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a/n: im not sorry for this, enjoy xx

Troye's pov

"Muscle up buttercup, you've got a long road ahead of you." The police officer pats my back, turning back to his vehicle and stepping in to most likely go write up the full police report.

The full police report. Oh, you know, just that I've managed to lose everything all in a matter of two hours. My flat, gas leak, bad mix. Half of the building went up in flames, thankfully taking no victims except me and Miss Stewart's precious belongings. The pictures, the memories, everything... they're just gone. I'm not sure there's anything left for me in there. I'm not sure there's anything left for me out here. 

Standing up, I tip my hat to Deputy Dickens and brush my trousers off. I clutch my new printable to the side and walk off down the busy and traumatising boulevards.

"Don't get out much?" He asks, looking me up and down as I shiver away on a park bench, letting the snow ever so gently kiss my skin.

He? Who's he? Eh, hell if I know. Just some bloke that decided sitting next to me on a park bench would be smart.

"I haven't left my flat in three years unless it was for new printables. No. I don't get out much." I mutter under my breath.


I pull the papers from under my leg and hold it out for him, "Comics."

He lets out a low 'ah' and takes it from my hand, pulling his glasses out from his pocket and settling them right upon the bridge of his nose.

"Wonder Woman #28. "Heart Of The Amazon" part three! With the immediate threat subdued, Diana thought she could take time to help Etta Candy recover from her wounds...but will her presence put Etta in even more danger?" He reads out loud, his voice lowering as he turns to me, "Read to find out."

I offer a small timid smile and nod along.

"And only three quid, oi!" Just like that, back to his familiarised voice. Who is this man and how quickly may I run away from him?

With his old grey hair, shoes far too big for him, and button up that doesn't look a day over thirty. He looks the grandfather I never wanted. *cough* My apologies, we're a bit bitter today.

"Yeah, well I'm gonna need to start saving up the money considering I lost everything I own and value today." I chuckle darkly, refraining from letting my emotions get the best of me as tears beg to escape.

"My printable." I hold a hand out as the bloke stares out at the empty park playground, seemingly distracted.

"Sir," I try.

"Oh- pardon?" He snaps out of it, looking to me and down to my hand held out.

"My printable." I repeat, a bit snippy with the innocent man.

"Oh, my bad. Here, son." He murmurs, handing me my comic back and shaking my hand as he does so.

"Uh, thanks." I give him a funny look, tilting my head to the side.

"Back to the flat, did you lose it?" He inquires.

"Lose what?"

"Your flat." He clarifies.

"Oh, I'd assume so, yes." I nod, tucking my printable into my coat pocket and sitting up, ready to head off.

He hums, "Well, if you need a place to stay I've seen some new developments four blocks south."

"I can't possibly afford a flat down there... and who would possibly want me as a flatmate?" I inquire, looking up at the sky and crinkling my nose up as a speckle of snow touches right to the tip of my nose.

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