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Troye's pov

thomas: you really aren't going to hear him out?

ty: be sensible here

I frown down at my mobile and rethink my decision of opening up to my friends. I'm laid on the sofa of Hari's flat, ice cream and tissues at hand. She's given me the 'you don't need him' pep talk a few times. Today's rough.

troye: what's to hear? i don't want to know who he cheated on me with

troye: i dont want to talk to him ever again

A tear falls down my cheek and I clench my jaw, wiping it and trying to remain calm. I'm better than this.

conan: how do you know he cheated?

benny: ^<3

thomas: ^

troye: i just do okay

troye: there's no other way

a/n: *narrator voice* actually, there was 'some other way'. troye was infected with the virus at a young age, never tested, but didn't start showing symptoms until recently. this being said, it was troye who may have possibly given it to jacob, if proven by test results. ahem, back to you troye. much love, pusshead.

ty: is it really worth losing him?

hari: ty

thomas: i say at least hear him out

troye: im not even mad about the hiv thing, im just so upset he could cheat and hurt me like this

troye: i thought i was falling for him

conan: maybe you still are, tro

conan: that's part of love

hari: cheating ?

conan: wh-

conan: no. when you fall for someone, you can't just decide to stop loving them when things go to shit

conan: that's why half the population is heartbroken

troye: if him hurting me is called love, i don't want it

troye: end of story

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