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Jacob's pov

two weeks later

It was a hooting Tuesday afternoon, the crowds packed to a brim in front of the world, cheering for the big game. This is it. Jacob Bixenman is seen on the field pep talking his team, direct and firm as ever, explaining much more than needed. Surely, it's what wins the game.

Troye Sivan is found in the crowd, held close and tight with his coat clenched tightly. He doesn't know why he agreed to coming when Jacob wrote him a tear stained letter begging of him to at least come to his game so they can talk one last time. He's surrounded by people but he's oh-so alone.

As the day and game continue on, the crowd makes home on the field with the players as Bixenman's team wins by two points. No one daring to tire, they make way back and forth on the field, that ball seeming to be the trophy itself to them, if they liked kicking trophies of course.

Ropes tighten as the game nears to an end, a tie embraces by the players. Jesse is seen with the ball on the opposing team's side of the field, two players on his tail as he runs with the ball. He strikes the ball with his foot and watches as it shoots to the net, the crowd going wild.

And they continue to go bananas as the team wins hit after hit, winning the game easy as you can say bananana. I don't find it quirky and relatable to say this but fuck man I'm stoned as shit and that was NOT funny... (*whispers*) it was hilarious.

Alright, alright, pay attention, the boys wildin'!

Bixenman is raised into the air my his mates, everyone cheering his name as he bounces around. He looks to the crowd and searches desperately for his love, heart wrenching as he finds him with a sad smile painted on those pretty lips. I miss you, he thinks. I love you, he mouthes.

Troye stands stunned, paling and looking down. Bixenman is dropped and though he's set down gracefully, he feels as though he's fallen. Fallen so deeply in love. He enjoys his winning with his mates and when they head out to party, he parts and makes way to the bleachers, finding Troye alone up top.

"Troye." He says, heart full and broken all at the same time.

"Jacob," Troye utters, throat locking as his anxiety grows by the second.

"I- I don't know what to say- where to start... Are you okay?" Jacob asks, emotion worn so deeply on his face.

"I'm fine." Troye says all he knows how to.

"I'm not going to die today or anything." He adds.

Jacob frowns but nods, "Me either. I tested positive as well."

Troye furrows his brows, "Well, of course you did. You gave it to me."

The same feeling overtakes the taller boy, standing on a lower level as he looks up at Troye. He tilts his head to the side and asks, "Just how certain are you of that?"

Troye grows defensive, "You cheated on me, there's no other way to explain it."

Jacob cracks, "Who the bloody fuck said that?"

"Troye, I love you. I would never cheat on you."

"Wh- what?"


Hours passed, it's dark out now as the two sit on the bleachers staring up at the stars.

"What made you think I could ever do something like cheat?" Jacob questions quietly, the two mostly silent after realising no one was at fault.

Troye looks up at him, blue eyes glistening, "How could something so good stay true?"

Jacob locks eyes with him, arms covered in goosebumps as the night grows chillier, "True love never breaks."

"C'mere." He murmurs, leaning in and meeting Troye halfway as they interlock, pressing lips smoothly.

They cling together, giving each other a little piece of heaven one kiss at a time.

insert marvin gaye's lets get it on bc childhood love bops

Troye climbs over and onto Jacob's lap, hands holding his face as he kisses him deeply, the universe at his fingertips. Jacob tries to hold him impossibly closer, relief and warmth spread throughout his body in a lovey dovey serenity.

"I want to show you something." Jacob whispers, looking up into Troye's eyes.

The two smiley boys giggle to themselves as Jacob leads Troye under the bleachers, hands held as they wander.

"Games are different under here." Jacob mutters, "This is where love lives."

"Am I scaring you away yet?" He adds, chuckling as Troye steps in front of him.

"Never." He mumbles, staring down at Jacob's lips and stepping closer to gently kiss him, leaning his head down and smiling as he receives a forehead kiss in response.

"Never?" ... "And what are we?"



a/n: a grand finale!!! how u like it? thank you for sticking around, i have many other stories i can annoy you with a click away if you're interested. i love u angels and i'm here if you ever need a friend. until next time ❤️✨

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