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Jacob's pov

"Baby," I murmur, kissing Troye's temple as I attempt to wake him.

"Hmm?" He groans, pulling his duvet over half his face.

"Baby, you gotta get get up. You're going to be late." I try to remind him.

Today, we're tender.

"I'm sorry someone kept me up all night with his dick in my ass." He says sarcastically, pulling the duvet down and giving me a grumpy yet pouty look.

I smirk and lean down, kissing him softly, "Are you complaining?"

"No." He cracks a smile.


I'm shaken out of thought as coach yells at me.

"Get your head out of the clouds!" He grumbles.

I sigh and move to the field where the team is all huddled together.

"We have three weeks until our last game of the season." Jaden mutters, "We all should be focusing on one thing and one thing only."

Troye, I think. That thin nerdy little man I've found myself infatuated in.

"Practice." Tyler states.

"We need to make this one count. Coach wants to see maximum effort." He directs, "That and that only."

"Bix! Anything to add?" Jaden asks, Jesse by his side as usual.

I look to him and muster a small smile, "Um- yes. According to my calculations from our last game, we're all lacking three major skills. Speed, strength, and stamina. Clearly, we need those three things to win the next and last game. I suggest we switch things up today and move players around, see how they do in different positions."

"We take everyone off bench today. Today, we just play and practice. Get our shit together, aye?" I question, realising I may have just freaked out a few of my teammates by showing my more me persona. The Jacob that seems like he talks more than he thinks, when really all he's doing is thinking of every possible scenario for the subject at hand. Not the Jacob that agrees to hang out after practice and do lines off of cheerleaders' backs.

"Sounds good, Bix." Coach says from a few metres away.

"Well? What the hell are we waiting for?" I ask, "Let's go!"


a/n: hi short chapter coming ur way & hi again this story is ending around 40 and u ain't gonna guess how 💛🌼

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