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Troye's pov

Flipping the page of my comic, I watch Jacob stagger into the kitchen. I can't help but glare, him not listening to a word I say and not daring to rest.

"We're all out of milk." He mutters, rummaging through the refrigerator.

"Maybe you should go get some then." I murmur, eyes averting back to my paper.

Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble: Civil War #5; an astonishing read.

"I thought I was too sick and ill to leave the flat." He sasses.

I scoff, "If you're well enough to ignore my accusations and be up and walking, you're well enough to go get milk."

"Unless that is you're too afraid for someone to see you looking like absolute shit." I add with a smirk.

He peeks around the corner and glares at me, "Piss off."

"Gladly," I don't give him the satisfaction of a glance, occupying my mind with much more interesting characters.

He grumbles and stomps to his room, slamming the door shut.

"Dramatic much?"

"Fuck off!"


Four knocks at the door and I'm up, light on my feet as I tiptoe to the door, hiding from dickhead. Conan and Benny should be here any minute for tea and I'd rather not be accompanied by my flatmate.

I open the door and am taken back when I find Jesse and Jaden at the stairs.

"Oi! How are ya?" Jesse asks, loud as ever.

I take a step back, "I'm quite alright. I didn't know Jacob was expecting company."

Jaden chuckles, "Well yeah, he invited some of the mates from the team. They should be here any minute."

I groan, "No! I was going to have my friends over for tea!"

"Sorry, mate." Jesse pats my back and steps in, the two looking around the room.

"Jacob! Get your fuck ass out here!" I yell, watching as the two push the sofa to the side of the room.

A snicker to my left and behold, the dick himself.

"What? Thought we could have a bit of a party." He grins while I narrow my eyes at him.

"You should have run this by me. You're not the only one who lives here, you know." I grumble.

He walks over and pats my back, "You'll be fine."

"One of these days I'm going to kick your ass." I threaten.

He laughs, "I'm so scared."

"Hey, boys, I'm going to go pick up some liquor. Have this place up and running before I get back." He instructs, stepping in his shoes and shrugging on his coat.

Swinging the door open, Benny and Conan are revealed.

"And who just might you be?" Jacob asks.

They look to me for help, making me sigh, "Benny and Conan. They were coming over for tea."

He laughs out, "Ha! Well, they can enjoy some on their way out."

I glare at him and bite down on my tongue, restraining from lunging over and punching him in the jugular.

Conan notices, piping up, "Actually, Ben and I would love to stay for the party it seems you two are having."

"We aren't having a party." I speak through gritted teeth.

Jacob pats my back, "You can keep telling yourself that, princess. I'll be back in ten."

He struts out the door and leaves me with two anxiety-ridden boys and two reckless boys destroying the flat.

"Why would you say that?" I ask the two, "You both hate parties."

Con shrugs, "I'm up for trying new things."

"I'm not," Benny claims and walks off to the hallway, "I'll be in your room if I'm needed."

Conan groans and follows behind him into my room. Jaden bumps into a vase, knocking it off of the miniature table and to the floor, shattering to pieces.

"My bad." He mumbles, scooting the table to the side.

I let out a sharp sigh, gripping the door handle and opening the door. I run down the stairs and down the street to catch up with Jacob.

"They're destroying the flat!" I exclaim, making him chuckle lowly.

"It's fine." He mutters, "Chill out."

I cross my arms over my chest, trying to keep warm as I didn't grab my coat or shoes.

"I know you only did this to piss me off." I kick a pebble to the road, watching as the tires of a black Mercedes roll over it.

"Maybe." He keeps his gaze averted forward to the liquor store not far ahead.

"It's not like you'll do anything to get back at me. You'll sit in your room alone hating me but the moment you face me again you're overcome with infatuation." He says as if he knows me.

"Sod off." I utter.

"Mm, that seems to be all I'm good for." He pauses as we turn into the store entrance, it much warmer than the breezy outdoors.

"Pick out something fruity and meet me at the register." He directs, nudging me into an aisle. I sigh and do just that, it being much easier than resisting at times.

Grabbing a carton of bottles, I make my way back to the bloke holding a basket of liquors. I set it down on the counter and cross my arms back over my chest, muttering a short hello to the cashier. He scans everything and smiles up at us, saying the total will be 40.52. Jacob swipes his card and pays, picking up the box with one hand and carrying the basket with his other.

We're off on our way back to the flat without another minute to spare. I keep quiet and burn in hatred in silence, wishing I hadn't ever agreed to moving in with this poor excuse of a man.

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