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unedited sryyy. x

Troye's pov

"And that, ladies, gentlemen, and whoever or whatever you are, is the complete law of physics..." Professor Green's gentle voice echoes through the room and soothes my anxiety.

"Any questions?" He asks.

"Why are we studying physics? That's not even in the class description."

"Shut the duck up." He says in a polite smiley little way.

My mobile buzzes in my pocket, making me freeze and wince in embarrassment as the entire class looks at me. Professor Green looks at me in disappointment, holding his hands together.

"Mr Mellet, are there more important matters to attend to right now? Do you mind handing over your electronic?" He gestures for me to come over, my heart pounding so hard.

I don't have time to tell him I wasn't texting while in his class, I had no part of this, my phone just went off, I force myself to get up and move to the front of the class. I hand over my mobile and look to my feet in front of the class.

He unlocks my screen and opens the message, letting out a shocked "oh" and shuffling back against his desk.

"Uh, Mellet, you're out of the class." He mutters, handing my phone back.

I take it and give him a confused look. Looking down at the screen, I then gasp and cover it, Jacob's dick sitting loud and proud in my inbox, attached with a paragraph of what he is quote on quote doing to me the second I walk through the front fucking door.



Walking through the lounge door, I mutter out, "You just got me kicked out of class, jackass."

To my disappointment, he doesn't come to me, shoving me to my knees and having me "take him" like his "dirty little cockslut". Where is he?

"Jacob?" I call out, walking through the hallway and opening his bedroom door. Not there, not the toilet either.

What I walk into when I enter my bedroom- definitely not what I expected.

"Lay down." An already naked Jacob orders, gesturing to my bed that has rope tied to two corners.

His hard cock sticks out like cocaine on a rainy day, everything in me wanting him.

I gulp in nerves, "I-"

"Now." He urges.

I think to myself, well, troye, buddy, what have you to lose? Your virginity? Long gone. Any sense of being vanilla? I don't really know her.

I sit down on the bed, crawling to the headboard and pulling my hat and shirt over my head, tossing them to the floor. He nears towards me and motions for me to lay down.

"Get comfortable... Something tells me you aren't leaving this spot for a long... long time, baby boy." He purrs up in my ear as he finishes his sentence, kissing my neck and leaning back.

I squeak an okay and lay down on my back. He crawls on top of me and grinds down on my clothed dick, creating a friction that gets me nervous hard in seconds. He makes it so hard to hold it together, I crave more.

"Remember what I told you in class?" He questions.

I nod, "Uh-huh."

I hold my hands up to the rope and look to him to tie me to the posts. He smiles down at me with a little smirk and ties the rope around my wrist and in a knot once fairly tight enough, loose enough to pull away if I really tried. He does it with the other and now has me defenceless to his any move. Perfect.

He moves up my body until he's standing above my face, balls in my view, and hovers his dick over my forehead. I tilt my chin up and manage to get a lick up his dick, making him chuckle lowly. He lowers himself down and centimetres from my lips, me leaning forward and drawing up spit in my mouth.

I lick over his tip slowly, taking him in my mouth and slicking his length all up. He hums in approval and steadily thrusts his dick in and out of my mouth for me as I don't have much room to move. I hollow my cheeks and look up at him obscenely as he fucks my mouth so well.

"Look so pretty down there... with my cock deep down your little throat." He murmurs, "Fuck."

Making an exaggerated moan against him, I watch him tremble the slightest. Maybe he's easy too to fall apart under my grip, even if he's completely in control.

"Baby... baby..."

Once he's leaking precum, I slow my tongue and loosen my lips. He leans back and sighs, moving down my body and straddling my waist. Grinding down on me again, he rolls his hips down, making me groan out.

"Jake..." I utter, "Fuck me."

He looks me up and down and locks eyes, desire written all over his face. Moving a hand down to my clad trousers, he palms me with a great deal of pressure, making me throw my head back and whine. He's so good.

With his free hand, he unbuttons my trousers and tugs them down, leaning down, pulling me out of my boxers, and licking up my underside. I feel my thighs quiver in pleasure, bucking my hips up and making my dick slide up against his tongue.

"Please," I whine like his little bitch.

He leans back and brings his fingers to my mouth, silently asking me to wet them. I shake my head, "No prep, just fuck me."

He raises his brows and gives me a look, shrugging subtly and letting out a low okay. Pulling my trousers down to my ankles, he pulls them off and tosses them to the floor with my other clothes. I look down at him and watch him in both desperation, nerves, and adoration. He is not going to go easy on me this time.

Crawling back up my body, he lifts my legs up and sets them on his shoulders, drawing in closer and lining himself up with me. He gives me a look as if to ask if I were sure, me nodding and clenching my hands up in little fists.

Pushing in, I wish I had a free hand to silence myself as a pained moan slips my lips. I just let it happen, feeling him fill me up so good but so hard.

"Fuck," I let out breathlessly.

He looks down at me and pets my hair, me squeezing my eyes shut and letting out a much-needed sigh. I relax around his cock, breathing in deep and whispering for him to move. The more sadistic side of him pulls out and thrusts deep back in... hard. I whimper and furrow my brows, clenching around him and feeling my nerves go crazy.

Doing that same motion again, he grunts and repeats it until he's at a slow and hot pace. I squirm underneath him and moan like his little whore, loving every second of this. He keeps my high coming slowly but surely, moving his hands to my nipples and teasingly playing with them. I circle my hips around his member and cry out for more.

He leans down to my chest and licks circles around my nipple, driving me wild inside. Picking up his pace, he fucks me diligently with speed and force, having me repeating his name over and over until I'm squeezing around him and dripping down on my stomach, cuming so hard.

Not letting up, he continues playing with my nipples and fucking me as I'm high up in my cloud of pleasure, biting down on my little nub and making me cry out.

"Shit." He practically growls out, pulling out of me and cuming overtop of my hole, thrusting in slowly as he fills me up.

We pant for air and swim in our own pools of pleasure for a few minutes, everything feeling light and airy. Once he's found some sense of reality, he unties me and gets up, cleaning us up and turning on the fan. We chill out in bed for the next half hour and talk about our days, Jacob surprisingly actually apologising for getting me kicked out of class. We kiss, we smile, we cuddle. Things couldn't feel better.

How long will this last?


a/n: writing this was distractiNg because troye and jacob wont stop being cute irl heck

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