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Troye's pov

"How did I get so sick so easily?" I ask from the sofa days later as I'm slowly but surely starting to feel better.

"It's probably just a bug." Jacob says from the kitchen.

"Yevok, I'm not stopping until I find out what got me sick." I speak seriously, twisting some hebrew in my words.

"Well, alright. Who am I to stop you?"

"I'm going to head out." I mutter, wrapping my sheet around my waist tighter.

"Troye? You're sick and you're not dressed in any condition to go out." He rounds from the kitchen as I walk to the stair door.

"I'm going out." I repeat, slipping on my shoes.

"I'm finding out how I got sick."

Once I've broken from Jacob's overprotective boyfriend grip he has on me, I make my way to hospital. I will get answers there, surely.

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