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Troye's pov

"Mothertrucker, dude! That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick!!" Is yelled as Aaron grips his head he just hit against the stove.

"Watch your profanity," Aaron's friend, Lucas, says in a low voice.

Music blares and bounces all around the flat, surely going to be shut down any hour now. I mean, hey, this is the infamous Jacob Bixenman we're talking about here. He is considered the top of the food chain to anxiety-ridden and antisocial men like myself. The thing with him is that he is completely alone and free to do whatever it is he wants. No one demands or tells him what to do; not his parents, not his coach... no one.

He's found checking out Nala Wells, being cocky as ever. She glances over at him and offers a small smile, moving her golden bangs away from her face. Meanwhile, Jacob winks and strides over to her. I can't help but roll my eyes at him.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulls her in, whispering something in her ear.

As if on cue, she looks over at me, making me jump and try to act casual, then back to him. He cups her cheek and pulls her in, smashing his lips onto hers. Look away, Troye.

Why does it make me feel so utterly sick when I see him around others. It's just such a facade! He's an asshole, yes, I'll give him that, but he isn't some fuckboy that only cares about soiling on everyone else's lives. At least, I hope not.

When we're alone it's different. He mellows.

I guess that's what to expect moving in with such a different person. Fuck, why am I thinking about this again, I think, clutching my forehead and turning away. No more analyzing things. Especially things that happen to be six feet tall and hot as fuck with the name Jacob, last name Bixenman.

"What the fuck," I whisper, just realising what I said.

"Hey there tiger." Is purred in my ear from behind, making me flinch.

I turn around to see Amelia from the other night. So easily, I smile at her.

"Hello there," I respond, letting her draw in closer and wrap her arms around my waist.

She's sweet.

"So, how have you been?"


a/n: how are you doing today? i hope school, work, and anything else you find important is going well. ilu my angels. x

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