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Troye's pov

hari: anyone wanna go clubbing w me tonight? x

tyler: gay club?

benny: ooo

hari: probably. gonna take a tube to brighton

benny: cant :( too far tonight

tyler: yeah not gonna work, hope u have fun x

tyler: and ben it's nine pm wyd???

conan: ben10 has a bed time

benny: pfft

benny: do not

benny: planning on egging conan's when he falls asleep

hari: lmao have fun guys. can anyone come?

benny: thx

conan: wh

conan: oh screw u

conan: youre doing this to keep me up all night arent you

benny: :')

benny: you betcha

conan: fuck you

benny: mwah

hari: jacob???

I pick up my pesky phone that's been buzzing with life for the past fifteen minutes.

troye: i have no plans

tyler: troye you never have plans

troye: shh

I pout the slightest.

benny: troye go out

conan: ^

troye: maybe

hari: yes come out with me i dont wanna go aloneee

thomas: you shouldnt go alone hari

jacob: im coming.

I, pathetically enough, have a double-take, my mind somehow seeing that as an innuendo. And then I have yet another as I realise it isn't an innuendo and he's gonna go out with one of my closest friends. Him and Hari out clubbing? No. He'd probably take her down in the loo.

Hari is my friend, I'm not letting him use her.

troye: so am i

I decide, my mind reeling in thought of what the bloody hell I'm going to wear. I have no clothes.

thomas: yay then, hari isnt going alone

hari: alright text me when you wanna meet up or if you wanna take the tube with me

jacob: call

tyler: have fun

I text her and get up from my mattress I left on the floor, not bothering enough to set my bed up yet. I spin around my room, sighing as I think of how I'm gonna look presentable enough to go out. Why do I even care? Oh god, of course I care, I'm leaving the flat for fuck's sake.

I toss my mobile and groan in frustration. Why did I decide to do this?

"Stupid," I grumble.

A knock at my bedroom door and I turn around, none other than Jacob cracking it open and holding a neatly folded pair of clothes. I gasp just under my breath and quickly walk up to the door, whispering a thank you and taking it.

"Mhm." He hums, retracting his hand and closing the door.

He's clever, I'll give him that much. And quite generous, I didn't even ask him to lend me his clothes. Looking down at the garments in my hands, I shuffle back to my mattress and lay them out, it being dark skinny jeans with a black tee and white bomber jacket I don't think Jacob would ever be caught seen dead in.

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