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Jacob's pov

Bright lights, a static-filled radio, and hushed mumbles. I toss my head to the side, groaning as I bring myself to a waking point.

"... Good morning princess."

I let my droopy eyes open, my head feeling ten kinds of painful. I groan in response, glaring at the silver-haired nurse as he walks up to the bed.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks, brows raised and making his wrinkles much more visible.

I roll my eyes, going to sit up but being held back by little velcro restraints. I give him an unimpressed look.

"I'm fine. Are the restraints necessary?" I mutter, surprising myself with how raspy my voice is. Everything tastes like metal, it's awful.

He exchanges back the same unimpressed look, "You tried getting up five times in the last two hours while out of it. If you couldn't count to five you can't be up walking around."

I furrow my brows, "Wh- two hours? How long have I been out?"

He chuckles, giving me such a pitiful look, "It's safe to say, I was supposed to kick you out at closing... or at least transfer you to hospital. I saved you the time and trauma."

I only groan more, "I had plans with my mates tonight...! Take off the bloody restraints!"

He rolls his eyes and pulls them free, allowing me to bring a palm to my forehead in distress.

"Take it easy, Bix. You're suffering with a bitch of a concussion and aren't allowed back on that field until you get my okay. I don't want to see you in here again." The old man says, patting my shoulder.

"I don't look forward to it." I murmur, pulling back the thin blanket and getting to my feet.

I ignore the alarming dizziness and grab my bag someone kindly left in the room, heading out the door, through the hall, and out into the breezy weather.

"Bix!" Jaden yells, catching me by surprise.

Him, Jesse, and a few unfamiliar faces walk up from the side of the building, seeming to have been there a while.

"We've been waiting." One of the unrecognizable ladies smiles at me.

I pull up a small smile, "Ello."

"Odessa, and you are?" The girl walks up to me and offers her hand.

I shake it, "Jacob."

Jaden chuckles, wrapping a hand around her waist, "You can call him Bix though, it's a team thing."

"Yeah..." I mumble, trying my best not to focus on my achy body.

"We were wanting to make sure you got home safe... or if you still wanted to hang with us tonight...?" Jesse offers, wreaking of weed as usual.

No pain meds, no ride home, fuck it, what do I have to lose? I can at least medicate myself herbally.

"I don't see a reason why not." I offer a fake grin, to which I receive five matching ones back.

"Cool, let's get you feeling better, buddy."

"Let's get me feeling better," I repeat sarcastically.

And off we went.

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