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Troye's pov

A swing of Jacob's door open, I enter while he's just woken up, "What are we?"

"Tired." He answers bluntly.

"No," I won't let him brush me off, having spent all night with my shit brain and heart, "What are we?"

He sits up in his bed and gives me an odd look, "Why are you asking such questions at this hour?"

I glance at his alarm clock that reads 6:25 AM and I couldn't give a damn.

"Why won't you answer truthfully?" I ask.

"What Are We?" I say it again, meaning in every word.

Holding my little fist of a hand at my side, I swing it down, "Because what I think and what you think are two completely different things..."

"Unless they aren't." I pause, "So just tell me. What are we?"

He swings his legs over the side of his bed and looks down at the floor, shoulders slouched like he's the most pitied soul on earth.

"Troye..." He utters.

"What are we?" I whisper.

"We're going on a date." He speaks up.

"We're what-" I immediately let out.

"No." He cuts me off, "Shut up."

"We're going on a date... and you're going to hold my hand when we cross the street." He stands up, merely being in a pair of boxers to cover him up.

"And maybe if I'm lucky, I will get a kiss at the end of the night."

"We're going on a date." He finishes his little speech, a cracked smile facing me.

"We're going on a date," I whisper.


a/n: i know it took a while, my apologies. love u all soooo much xoxo

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