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Troye's pov

"Catch!" Is shouted in the middle of the supermarket as Jacob throws a plastic bag of avocados at me. 

I quickly throw my hands out and catch it, smiling up at him. Shopping together, much more domestic than you'd think. 

Placing the bag into our cart, I move it around to fit in.

"Tomatoes, onion, and cilantro then we can go." He directs, receiving a nod from me.

This morning it was said that he wanted to cook me a real meal for dinner, so who was I to stop him.

We find our needed items and check out, headed out of the supermarket in no time. I help him carry everything back to the flat and place all on the counter, stepping back and letting him get to work. I play some Elvis quietly at the table as I work on my latest assignment.

Together, we find a comfortable way of living. 

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