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Troye's pov

"Troye Mellet, you're free to go."

"Thank you," I murmur, taking a fat stack of papers with me as I walk out of the station. Well, Troye Sivan, you've outdone yourself.

After hours upon hours of waiting in a cell, being questioned for a crime I never intended to commit, and waiting some more, I was eventually released. In a matter of twenty-four hours, I managed to not only lose my flat, leave my flat for more than a comic, meet a rich bitch, get a new flat, have a gun pointed and fired towards me, and blow off said rich bitch, but also get arrested.

I want to go home. It's sometime around four thirty am, I'm tired, I want to go home.

Trudging out the doors into the breezy November air of downtown London, I turn a corner to find a rough looking Jacob puffing smoke.

"You smoke?" I inquire.

He turns and leans off the wall of the building, shrugging and joining me on the crosswalk across the boulevard.

"You're not arrested." He points out as if it weren't obvious.

"Neither are you."

Watching him inhale actual toxic gas, he seems completely unaffected by everything around him. I wish I could feel the same.

"Can I have a drag?" I ask.

He looks over, shaking his head, "No."

I pout the slightest, "Why not?"

He lets out a low chuckle, giving me an unimpressed look.

"You don't smoke. You're not starting now and I'm not going to be the one to set you on that path." He mutters, sighing and tossing the cigarette to the ground.

He steps on it and squishes it to the cement before I could even think about falling to the ground and picking it up, hopeful to get a sweet sense of satisfaction in destroying my body.

"Even after what we just went through, you're still an ass." I grumble, walking behind him and to the side as I dance my fingertips along the gates of people's gardens.

"What we went through was just one twisted motherfucker. You're still an ass too." He replies in a direct and mocked tone, picking his keys out of his pocket and tossing them to me, whispering catch at the last moment.

They dart into the sky and flop down. I hold my hands out just in time and catch them, only two being on the ring.

"What's this for?" I question.

He nods forward, "The flat is up ahead."

"Which key unlocks it?"

He sighs, seeming to get annoyed, "Both. Take yours."

"Oh," I utter, unhooking my key off his loop and stuffing it in my pocket. "Thanks."

Rounding the corner to Templeton Place, I unbutton the top three buttons of my white button up and loosen the collar. We walk up to the flat, up the front porch stairs and to the door in a moments time, me unlocking the door while Jacob stares off into space.

I push the creaky door open and toss his key back at him, it hitting his chest and falling right to the floor. He lifts his knee and catches it on his shoe, kicking it up and catching it in his hand.

"Footballers," I scoff playfully, walking in and making my way up the stairs.

"Nerds." He retorts.

I hear him step in and lock the door, following behind me. The way up the stairs is full of the settling realisation that I'm going to have to face the elephant in the room. What we did.

"You can sleep in my bedroom, I'll take the couch." He's quick to help change the subject we're both surely thinking about.

"It's fine, I can sleep on the floor in my room." I brush him off, stepping up to the door leading to the lounge and nudging it open.

"Couch or bed. You're not sleeping on the floor." He speaks firmly, hot on my heels.

I quirk a brow up and go to look at him from behind when he brushes passed and walks into the living room.

"You don't control me." I proclaim, holding my ground.

He lets out a forced laugh, "You're sleeping on the couch or the bed and that's final. Hurry up and choose before I do for you."

"Couch. Thanks." I mutter bitterly, setting my hat on the coat rack and taking my coat off, deciding it will be my blanket tonight.

"You're welcome."

Boy, I've got a lot to do tomorrow. Access my trust fund, buy the necessities I've lost due to the fire, call my professors and tell them I'm not gonna make it. An idea pops into my mind, making me turn to the bloke.

"May I borrow your laptop?"I request, slipping my shoes off and setting them by the door.

He unbuttons his shirt and tosses it to the floor, kicking off his shoes and sighing to himself.

"Sure, on the couch. If you wanna watch porn, go incognito, don't need any viruses on this one." He instructs, working on the buttons on his trousers.

I wince at the memory of the alley, nodding and walking to the couch, "Thanks."

He disappears off to his bedroom, leaving the door open but leaving me to my thoughts and his laptop. Opening the laptop, his homepage is revealed. Password protected.

"Jacob? Password." I call out.

"Your Mum!"

I shake my head, typing in his supposed password 'yourmum' and being welcomed to his god awful excuse of... oh God, is this his dating profile?

"What a fuck boy..." I mumble, tearing my eyes from user goodguybix and opening a new window.

Launching my email, I type a quick explanation to my professors and send out my emails. I'm finished before I know it, closing his laptop and setting it down on the mirrored coffee table.

It was when a sharp high note of a violin rang in my ears that I jumped up to my feet, whipping my head around back and forth to see where it's coming from. 

"Wha-" I let out.

"Well, Richard's three minutes early. I'm disappointed." Jacob gripes from his room, "We have a schedule for a reason."

I let myself relax a little, shaking my head as I let out a low, miserable sigh. It's gonna be great here... Walking to the kitchen, I spot a charger already plugged into a power plug on the worktop. I pull my phone from my pocket and plug it in, it having been at 0% since four pm. 

I get a glass of water and lean against the worktop, exhausted beyond belief. It's proven how tired I was when I had fallen asleep sliding down to the floor, my body going numb as if I were drunk as I let a few incoherent mumbles fall from my lips.


a/n: if any of you are familiar with my work then you already know im inconsistent as shiiit but now that im stuck in florida with hurricane irma coming, updates may slow down for real because there's no telling if i'll have electric better yet a house or place to go in a few days. stay safe everyone, love ya ❤

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