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Jacob's pov

A revenge tactic? Possibly. Simply just horny, having woken up bloody worked up as ever? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

I let out a huff as I tear my blanket off my body, getting up to my feet and stomping out of my room. Making my way across the hall to Troye's room, I don't bother trying to stay quiet, stepping in and slamming his door shut, making the walls shake. He grumbles under his breath and rolls around in bed, letting out a low coo and returning back to those subtle snores I can usually hear from my room.

I refrain from yelling at him to wake the fuck up and assist me, sighing and making myself calm down. Sexually frustrated should be my middle name.

Walking up to his bed, I pull his duvet back and wake the sleeping and unusually naked boy. He groans and reaches around for his blanket back, only to open his eyes and find me at the edge of his bed.

"Oh fuck." He mumbles.

"Morning, sleepy beauty. Sleep naked?" I question.

"Good morning wood to you too." He teases, staring at my pent up boxers.

"Fuck off." I impulsively let out.

He sits up, setting his legs on either side of me, "Fuck off...? I can do that."

Troye chuckles and loops his fingers around his dick, touching himself gently. I clench my jaw and grip his thighs, pulling him to the edge of the bed, "Sassy, are we today?"

"Little bitch, are we today?" He retorts.

"As always," I grin sarcastically, pushing him down on his back and climbing on top of him.

He leans up and places a hand on the back of my neck, pulling me down and in for a kiss. I kiss him for all he's worth, him sneaking his tongue past his lips so easily. I take it as an invitation and dance tongues with him, grinding down against his cock. He moans into my mouth, rolling his hips up with just as much friction.

"Uh, fuck." He lets out.

I pull his hand from my neck and pin both above his head, pulling back and kissing my way to his neck. He breathes in sharply as I bite down on his neck, sucking his skin between my teeth and nibbling down. Him being the classy little fuck he is, sneaks his hand from my grip and palms it against my aching cock.

Only a fool would stop him, letting him do as he pleases as I do the same, marking all over his neck.

"You gonna fuck me like your little slut again? Huh?" He asks, slipping his hand into my boxers and jerking me off.

"Careful th-here. If you don't stop you're going to have me cumming before the fun." I warn. He pulls away in seconds.

"Say no more. Lube is in the second drawer." He gestures to the new nightstand he has placed by the bed.

I retrieve it and pull down my pants, him watching intently. I'm back between his thighs in no time, coating my fingers in lube and pressing them into his tight ass. He whines and arches up, his hands crawling back above his head like I left them. He's so submissive it's almost pitiful.

Three fingers in and I'm scissoring them in and out of him, him wiggling around the bed in pleasure.

"J-jacob- fuck." He groans.

I pull my fingers out and line myself up with his hole, taking no time nor sympathy as I thrust deep into him. His eyes flick open and he bites down on his fingers, holding back his muffled moan. I chuckle, letting my cock think more than my conscience and fuck him so deep and fast I see stars.

"Uh, uh, uh." He whines out, his mattress creaking as I ram into him.

"Fuc-ck, yes...!"

He cums so quickly, his dick pressed against his belly as he lets go on himself. I continue thrusting, him rolling his hips around and only inducing me further into pleasure. In no time I'm shooting white sheets of cum into him, bracing myself up by holding the headboard so tightly.

I come to a stop in his ass, pulling out and laying down next to him. I stare up at the ceiling in a dreamy-like state, content as ever as I come down from my high. Once we both relax, he pipes up.

"Round two?"

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