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Jacob's pov

The slamming of the door is what disturbs me out of my reading spot by the window.

"Turns out, I got all the answers I need!" Troye yells, waving papers in the air.

I quirk a brow up and give him a look as ask why he's in a yelling mood.

"Hm?" I ask.

"Fuck you, Bixenman. I don't know why I ever trusted you." He mutters, shaking his head at me and throwing the papers on the couch.

I do all I know how to, think. Think of every possible scenario as to why it is he's so angry and why at me. What have I done?

"I-" I let out quietly as he storms to his room.

I don't know.

"What?" I ask, hearing him ruffle through things in his room.

"Don't act so oblivious." He speaks with such hurt it nearly breaks my heart, walking out of his room with a duffle bag of his things.

"What have I done?" I try, "Baby, please."

"Next time keep your dick clean before you stick it in innocent willing boys." He spits, turning away and walking right out the door.

I walk over to the sofa and pick up the papers, picking them up only to find... lab test results.

Troye Sivan, HIV+.

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