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a/n: hey angels, back w smut so you all don't hate me, but*! it does start with troye making a move while jacob is unconscious. pls pls pls do know there is consent between the two(!) and id never ever imply to do that to someone while they aren't aware and consenting. justtt in the last chapter it ended with jacob saying hey yo u should cum visit, and so that is what was implied. alright alright, just clearing that up before you read. love you all, mwah! xx

Troye's pov

Trying my best to keep quiet, I tip-toe from my bedroom into his, careful not to put much weight on the wood floors. The light only just now starting to peak into the sky and through the windows, it can't be a few minutes after seven am. Why I'm doing this? Because I can. What I'm doing? Far from straight, but I am straight.

I'm straight with just a few gay tendencies.

Jacob Bixenman now being one of them.

I sneak into his room to see him sleeping ever so softly in his bed, duvet covered up to his chest. The sheets are tucked in at the sides, only one side of the duvet untucked as it's tossed over his lap. His subtle curls are gently laid over his forehead and sticking up and into his pillow.

A small smile places over my lips as I untuck the sides of his navy blue duvet and slide under between the sheets. I breathe in deeply and crawl up between his legs, lifting the blanket off his chest and letting it settle on my shoulders as I go up for air. Looking down at him, still seeming to be as asleep as ever, I place a hand over his clothed dick and slowly palm him, watching as he twitches the slightest.

I continue cupping my hand over his cock and pressing my fingers against his balls, noticing as his breathing shallows. I wonder if he's having a wet dream by now, senses overtaken with the strain in his crotch. What if he's thinking about me? My mouth can't help but water at the thought, eyes flicking from his face down his body. I'm not gay but boy oh boy he's a snack.

Once I can feel him fully hard against my touch, I slip my hand into his pants and pull his dick out, just the slightest bit thankful he doesn't sleep in his trousers. I sink back down under the duvet and lick up his dick just as I had before, holding him in my hand as I suck on the sides of his dick. I look up at him, smiling to myself as I notice his face contorting in his sleep.

His hands twitch and slide down from his sides, going over his dick and stalling as he comes into contact with my face. He pats my face once then sighs, me taking him in my mouth to keep him quiet. He keeps his eyes closed, curling his fingers in my hair and settling them on each side of my head, his arms moving the slightest as I bob my head up and down. I make loud gurgle noises, looking up and watching him from below.

He looks pretty when he's like this. His face calm and relaxed, not so stressed and dazed like usual, looking like ten different kinds of angelic. Not the pale porcelain doll kind nor golden god, somewhere right between he makes his own cliché aura. Brown messy hair seeming perfect and only perfect on him. His eyelashes dancing together as he holds it together and doesn't give in, refusing to look down and see a man blowing him off. He can't let himself, he's not man enough.

Him tugging on my hair, I'm brought back to reality a bit, pulling back for air and spitting on his dick. I flick my wrist over his base and jerk him off some more, licking up his underside to his tip then stretching my lips apart again to take him back in my mouth. His dick slides down my throat so easily, pulsating the slightest as I tighten my lips around his base and press my tongue against his skin as I draw back up.

He lets a small groan out, rotating his hips around on the mattress.

I hum against his dick over dramatically, tickling my free hand up his chest and to his nipples. I circle my finger just around the small patch of sensitive skin, watching as little goosebumps appear. He stiffens up in pleasure as I graze my fingers over the tops of his nipples, slowly continuing to suck him off.

I smooth my hand down his belly, feeling his silky soft skin and trying to make him relax. Being stiff and tense is only going to force an orgasm, and I want this one different. I want it dragged out, slow, I want to edge him.

He lets in a shaky breath, his chest hiccuping against my palm as continue teasingly touching his nipple, letting go of his dick and moving my other hand up to match them together.

I rock my head back and forth, his length sliding up and down my throat.

He breathes in so sharply it almost spooks me as I pinch his nipples between my fingers, twisting them and rubbing my fingers around lightly.

"Troye." He whispers.

I whimper back, tears forming in my eyes from the lack of oxygen, breathing out of my nose becoming a bit of a hassle. It almost comforts me that he isn't watching, not able to see the sweat forming on my skin and flushed pink spread across my face. He wouldn't be able to see my saliva and his precum smeared around my cheeks and dripping down my chin and he wouldn't be able to see my jungle of curls, messy as ever.

He tightens his hands in my hair as I deepthroat him so, so slowly, quietly humming under my breath along with my head dips down. I wince a bit as he pulls tighter, getting so caught up in his high again that he isn't aware of much.

I pinch a nipple and massage over it, making him gasp and open his eyes. As he lifts his head, I wish there was something I could do to hide myself, harshly blinking away my subconscious tears. He loosens his grip on my hair and stares down at me intently, me stopping and looking up at him with his dick down my fucking throat.

It's when I take him back in abruptly that he groans out and throws his head back.

"Fuck," Jacob whispers.

I keep it going, bringing him up, up high, almost to the brink as he shakes a bit, only to stop just as he arches his back up. He drops back down and looks back down, glaring at me.

"Excuse me."

I look at him blankly and shrug, sucking off of him and holding his pulsating self back in my hand.

"Move." He orders.

I don't let him intimidate me, me kind of the one having more power right now. He doesn't have shit on me.

He pulls on my hair and clenches his jaw tightly, "Now."

"Say please," I smirk, wiggling my brows at him.

That same pissed and frustrated look doesn't falter, him not having it either.

"I'm not begging." He claims.

I raise my brows and suckle on the tip of his dick, "You sure?"

He huffs and tugs on my curls, me sinking down slowly and lifting back up.

"You underestimate how easy it is for me to get off." He murmurs, making me let go of his nipples and set my hands on the mattress to hold me up.

"Mhm," I hum against his dick, making him grunt and buck his hips up.

I set a hand on his hip and hold him down, looking up at him deviously as I quickly deepthroat him. I bring him right back up again, it being much easier this time. He pants and squirms around, groaning in an irritated tone as I stop once more.

"Fucking move."

Slow. Teasingly slow.


I pause, "Pardon? Don't think I caught that."

He rolls his eyes, letting out a strangled breath, "Pl-lease."

"Ugh, Troye. P-please, I swear to G-god- oh fuck. Fuck-k." He stumbles out as I give in, pacing myself back on him and sucking him harshly.

"Yes, yes, oh God- fuck!"

I huff out, pulling back and holding my tongue out as he cums. I catch white streaks over my face and in my mouth, fluttering my eyes shut in hopes of not getting any in my eyes. He shakes under me and lets go of my hair, running his palms over his sheets and clutching them tightly.

I lick at his tip as he continues releasing himself, sighing in relief as he begins coming down. I open my eyes and clean up the drips of cum over his cock, holding him by the base as he slowly goes limp. He releases the sheets from his fists and moves a hand to my chin, lifting me up from his dick and forcing me to look at him.

"Ever try to edge me again and I'll kick your arse."

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