Star signs in PE

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Aries: *taunts Leo and runs away*

Taurus: *eating popcorn because she made a lame excuse to skip PE and it worked*

Gemini: *chatting to Taurus while screaming at Aries for nearly falling on her*

Cancer: *crying because someone tripped her*

Leo: *chasing Aries with a dodgeball*

Virgo: *knocked out by a basketball*

Libra: *trying to wake Virgo up*

Scorpio: *throwing dodgeballs at Aries because he's secretly sided with Leo today*

Sagittarius: *doing gymnaatics to try and impress everyone but no one notices(insert titanic theme song here)*

Capricorn: *dodging balls and glaring at Scorpio and Leo*

Aquarius: *considering trying table tennis*

Pisces: *slowly sidling away because he knocked Virgo out*

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