Eyelashes & Eyebrows

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So I'm going to begin this chapter by saying: I don't draw on my eyebrows.

*cue horror music*

Now drawing them on isn't a bad thing, I'm just saying I have no idea how to draw them on because my eyebrows have always been naturally bushy eyebrows. But I do have experiences with waxing, threading, and plucking.


This is something I do normally every two or three weeks, whenever my eyebrows grow out of control to where I can't pluck them anymore.

Be very careful on who you choose to do your eyebrows. I once had a lady make them ultra thin, and I looked horrible. I ended up getting my money back, but that didn't take anyway from my eyebrows being thin.

Also, be very careful on what businesses you go to. I used to go to a low end side of town haircut shop, & it was usually a disaster because the ladies had no idea what they were doing.

When you get your eyebrows waxed, it's gonna sting. And your eyes are going to water. For me, I have sensitive skin, so it doubles the pain and the skin that was waxed stays red longer then normal skin. But just in general, make sure after they wax your eyebrow, they apply pressure to it with their fingers. It helps the pain stop and makes you focus on something else.

I also recommend asking for something to put on your eyebrows so they aren't stinging and red, and they should give you numbing gel. I've asked for this plenty of times, and it works.


I remember about two years ago, I went with a friend to get her eyebrows threaded. I had never had my eyebrows threaded, so I didn't want to do it, I ended up going across the street to Starbucks and playing on my phone until she got done.

Apparently they don't use wax, they only pluck each hair individually. Which is extremely painful.

If you want to try this method go ahead, but I would personally go with waxing.


I usually pluck the obvious hairs, the ones that stick out, or grow back quickly. Plucking takes time & patience. You can buy tweezers pretty much anywhere, and they should be around one or two dollars. The tweezers you buy aren't important, its just the plucking that is.

Don't shave your eyebrows:


I feel like we all know that one crazy bitch who at some point in her life shaved off her eyebrows.

I don't care if you think that it'll help you draw them on better. Or shape them.

Don't do it.

It messes up the way your hair grows, and it wont look right oncd it grows back. Hoe dont do it.


I love this topic a little bit too much. Your eyes are something that stand out about you. No matter the color.


I love mascara a lil bit too much. to begin, your upper eyelash row should stand out more than your bottom row. I use 'better then sex' mascara on my upper lashes, and 'elf' mascara on my bottom row. It makes the top ones stand out, and the bottom ones still have something

Never ever should your lashes be stuck together by clumps of mascara .

And use a wet Q-tip and run it underneath you bottom lashes to pick up any left over mascara

Fake eyelashes:

I've never used fake eyelashes, but I'll share what I know.

You can buy them at the store, and you have to glue them over your other eyelashes, then use an eyelash curler.

That's about it.

Dont sneeze when you're curling your eyelashes. I have seen way too many terrorizing videos on YouTube of that happening to females.

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