Part 1

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chases pov: *sniff* i looked at my bite wound.i rather bleed out than to go back there with t-that cheater*sniff* why sky why i thought you loved me but no it *sniff* rocky this and rocky that damn it.* i hit the ground really hard*.

everest:jake im going to go for a walk ok.* jake said ok it was cool*it was late but i new what i was really going to do*😈* i walked as i smelled blood and a familiar pup.i seen chase crying and bleeding out.

chase:why *sniff*why ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! e-everest*sniff* what are you d-doing here.

everest: the question is why are you bleeding and what are you doing here.

chase: ummmmmm i came to look for my-my uhhhhhh bone.

everest: hhhhhhhhhm.ok chase now really why are you bleeding i know you are not looking for a bone.

chase: i was attacked by wolfs.

everest: there are no wolfs here chase.* i got the first aid kit marrshall gave me*

chase: its true i was attacked by wolfs.

everest: o shut up silly know were is that o there it is.

chase: owww!!! Jesus everest it hurts.

everest: o is the big tuff Sheperd going to cry again.

chase:n-no im owwwww!!!!

everest: you have a bite mark but not by a wolf its smaller.

chase: ummmmmm it was a small wolf. hehe.

everest: did you and sky fight.

chase: n-no why do you say that.(dang this husky is smart)

everest: chase you can tell me i wont tell anybody else you can trust me.

chase: (i looked a her) no.

everest: o chasy come on tell me.

chase: chasy really everest.

everest: yup now tell me chasy.

chase: ok ok fine owwwww!!!!

everest: relax chasy im done.

chase pov:it hurt like hell. ok everest s-sky she cheated on me she dated and mated with rocky behind my back.*sniff* a-and i was going to marry her *sniff* but i-i seen her in rockys bed.* i begain to cry* i walkwd in and yelled but she got mad and bit me.

everest :c-chase i never meant to.

chase: its f-fine*sniff* (i got up and begain to walk tje pain was killing me and i fell to the ground)

everest: chase chase don't move i got you.

chase: thank you everest.

everest :( it was late and chase need a place to stay) ummmmmm chase you would not mine if you sleeped with me.(i blushed at what i told the shepeared)

chase:*sniff*e-e-everest  you mean it.

everest: of course silly come on.

chase: *she put me in her vehicle and we went to jakes*.(she really cares alot for me)

everest: ok chasy you can pick were you want inside or pup house.

chase: everest why do you call me chasy for?

everest: i-i-i o jake.

jake:*yaw*hey everest and chase what you up to.

everest: i got chase from a pack a wolf attack.

jake: ok well good night.

everest: ok good night.

chase: i guess pup house?

everest: great*umf* chase your heavy.

chase: sorry i will walk.

everest: no no.

chase: ok i got on a random side.

everest: how do you feel.

chase: in pain.

everest: here take a pain killer.

chase: fine.

everest: tell me if you need anything.

chase: you got it.

everest pov: i laid down next to chase.(am i really falling for him i mean he is cute and handsome and nice but am i really  i know i like marrshall but why does this feel better i remember how nice he was to me giving me a blanket when i was cold and when i first meet him)he put his paw over me and snored.

chase: my left arm still hurt but i put it over everest i know it was a bad idea to come up here but still i ryder found out.

everest: good night chase.

( sky)

sky: ok rocky you keep going.

rocky:ok sky should we tell him.

sky: no rocky i deald with him already.

well that chapter one sorry i took so long.uwolf104 im out.

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