Part 24 The end? Or is it?

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  Chase looked into everest eye's seeing the lust in them as he slowly moved his cock in and out of her butt to make sure that he didn't hurt her as je found out she was pregnant"e-everest im close"

Everest it felt amazing his cock felt amazing without his tip and just a knot again"chase muphhmmm"i felt his cock hit m-my g-spot as he was really gent with me i loved everything untill Ryder cought us and chase knoted me making me cum."chase ugh!!!!!!"

Chase:*cumming*eveeeeeeeeeeerest ugh!!!!!!*pant*

Ryder:chase everest what is the meaning of this your only pups howmmany times has this happened and why in a time like this!

A explosion went off in rockys house

(1 hour later after chase unknoted with everest as jake picked her up)

  I had felt it the odd feeling again after a bomb went off in rockys house luckily no one was in there, but ownly a note that said property of humdinger it said if you are still alive come fined me or your next."Got damn it Ryder i know who is doing this" said chase.

"I know chase relax" said  ryder i Sheperd was mad as i was to we would have lost rocky and sky and there puppy's.

"When i get my hand on him ryder im gonna-"ryder had cut chase off. "Look chase it's ok we will find him don't make any threats your already grounded for mating with everest without me knowing!"Ryder said furiously.

"B-but"chase said

"But nothing she is pregnant thanks to you and going to have pups soon you better be glad i didn't nuder you chase next time tell me you know i will allow it just not at this point and time chase think on how she feels when she is giving birth, and jake chase she could die she is only a pup and so are you ok so we get humdinger arrest him then i will see if you are still grounded.

"Rocky and sky did and you didn't get them-"Ryder cut him off again.

"She asked chase before she got with you and i said yes ok now lets get humdinger chase and everest is in jakes mountain with sky and rocky you better be glad jake didn't nuder you! Said ryder as the rest off the pups followed only chase going into his pup house and begain to cry not even knowing if everest was going to live he grabed the photo of him and her and tried to sleep untill ryder had the plan ready.

Chase pov: I miss her already her soft fur, her cute tiny ears, her smell and her voice and worst of all she gave me the best time last night with our final mating untill next year and Silvia's is no were to be found after the explosion and ugh I can't take it I need to get humdinger and get everest back before she has our pups"I wish Ryder and jake will let us be and your so warm and tight i will never forget that night everest" I smelled the musky air that we had left from last night passed out.

(3 hours later ryder called the rest of the team even ghost wolf and  silvia with her mate uwolf but his real name is ken) to let you know thats not my real name ok this is uwolf is called for now on ken.

Ghost wolf:ugh it's you again uwolf!*looking at his large wound*

Uwolf:umm it's ken to be correct ghoat wolf*saying it cocky*

Silvia:hi everyone*licks kens aka uwolfs check*

Zumb:grws dude get a rwom.

Ken:well sorry.

Ryder:hey were is chase? Anyone know?

Chase:ready for action.

Rubble:Wow he didn't call you sir.

Marrshall:shhh. Rubble he has had a bad day.

Ryder:ok so the plan is go into foggy bottom and arrest humdinger for what he did.

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