Part 2 do i want to know

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chase pov:i woke up to see that everest was still asleep. i all most forgotten that i was in jakes left arm still hurt i got up and lemped to my cruser.i got in and took a long breath.ryder!!! dang it he is probably looking for me.ok this was just a nightmare right im asleep next to sky do i really want to know.or am asleep next to the husky and am i really falling for her?

everest pov: i woke up to see that chase was not there. o no chase why did you bleed at night you should have said somthing silly pup he was to excited last night to sleep with see in that there was a c**spot in chases spot.i walked out side and followed the blood trail to see chase in his police chase are you ok.

chase: yea yea im fine everest why do you ask.

everest: chase you know your bleeding again right.

chase: what no question is why are you bleeding everest now are you ok.

everest: chasy stop being so stupid.

chase: o aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! i am bleeding o no im going to dye what is sky going to say what is she going to do!!!* as i ran around in circles*

everest: chase!!! relax ok just calm down ok you will be fine.* in a calm voice*

chase: no no everest what will happen to sky i really dont want to know!!

everest: chase i did not have to do this* pulling out a tranquilizer dart*

chase: e-everest w-what i-is t-that?

everest: good night chasy hehehe.

chase: nooooooo!!!everest please*umf*

everest: ok lets look at the  sky really bit deep into you chase.* poring rubbing alcohol* o chase i feel so bad for you.

jake: everest are you ok i heard a yell.wait wait do i want to know what your doing?

everest: ummmmmm. jake i can explain.

jake: Awwww caring for a team mate *wink wink*

everest:*blushing* j-jake stop he is hurt really bad.

jake: no no. it seems you have control*wink*hehe.

everest: jake!!!! stop now.

jake: Awwww everest why are you blushing. and i thought you liked marrshall.hahahahaha.

everest: *blushing even harder*jake please can you stop now please.

jake: ok ok and just to let you know today is his bday.

everest: r-really?

jake: yea i mean everyone nows that.

everest: well i didn't so yea.

jake: what happened everest.

everest: i don't want to talk about it.

jake :everest tell me i won't tell anyone.

everest: no chase tpld me to keep a promise so no not even to you.

jake: Awwww now keeping promise whats next nick names i doubt you get this far with marrshall flurt master 69 hahaha.

everest: *blushing*ok jake thats it im going to get you.

chase: w-what w-were am i?

everest: o chase your ok.*hugging him*

( with rocky)

rocky: o snap sky todays chases bday what are we going to do.

sky: it what every i don't care.

rocky: sky he leds us are team and you say what ever what if he is dead or worse.

sky: rocky  call down ok he is fine.

rocky ok but if ryder ask just say i dont know got it.

sky: fine! but you o me rocky.

rocky: ok ok fine i will o you one.

(at jakes'cabin)

jake and everest :happy bday chase!!!!!

chase: Awwww thank you it means alot to me.

everest: that great we hope you like it.

jake: i hope the cake is great chase.

chase: it amazing how did you now vanilla is my favorite.

everest: o i now this guy hehe.

chase: well this is the best party i have had thank you.

jake: chase what about you present.

chase: a present for me ryder never has gotten me a present  before thank you.

jake: here you go.

everest: open it its from me and jake with all are heart.

chase : Awwww. i opened with my good paw to get *do i want to know by artic monkeys*o guys how did you know about this i love this song.

everest: hehe well jake knew really.

chase pov: ok thank you well good night jake and everest.o went and laid down in my pup house.his is great i would a have never thought for them to do this.i heard a knock to see everest.o hey everest  what do you need.

everest: well to give the bday boy this hehe.

chase: what aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! (12 minutes later)e-everest k-keep g-g-g-going aaaaaaaaah ah.*umf*ooooooooooooh  eveeeeeeeeeeerest!!! i would h-have never thought about you to do this.

everest: *blushing deeper than normally* good night silly hehe.

well thats chapter two i final got a chance to get this part done sorry for the wait i have a lot of work in school so i never get a chance to do anthing.Uwolf104 im out

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