Part 16 Sylvia

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This is silvia for those who don't know she looks(i don't own this photo) and my bad syliva is spelled wrong its with a y instead of a i.

This is silvia for those who don't know she looks(i don't own this photo) and my bad syliva is spelled wrong its with a y instead of a i

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. i wish we could be together i wish that can happen, but no everest this and everest that what is wrong with me i mean i have it all, full breed, very soft furry, and probably tighter than that everest i mean what more could a guy want in a girl.*looks at the the lookout*maybe  i will try*

(with chase)

Everest:*moaning*o..oh chasey i need a break o..oh*to big*

Chase:*groaning*yea me to everest your getting tighter and my balls are hurting if i cum again oh.

Everest:*moaning louder*ah-ah ah harder ooooooooooooh!!!!! Chase!!!!!!

Chase:*cumming*oh everest!!!!!

Everest:*pant**pant*o..oh that was amazing c-chasey kissing him.

Chase:*groaning*yea it was*pant*it hurts and my back.

Everest: yea it was great*squeeze him*o...oh

Chase:oh...oh*so warm so tight so wet*more.

Everest:*pant*ok chase no more games fuck me like you mean it i don't need a break fuck me i want love!!!

Chase:*evily grin*hehe what ever you say*thrusting as hard as possible*

Everest:*screaming his name*chase ah aha ha ah ah...ah more.

Chase:so wet*grunt*so tight*grunt* so warm everest*moving faster*

Everest:*feeling her lower body move up with every thrust as he hit her g spot*ah ah ooooooooooooh!!!!

Chase:*grunt*slowing down*i see you came everest eveeeeeeeeeeerest!!!!!!!!

Everest:*moaning*you just did to hehe oh.

(with ryder)

Ryder:oh another boring night i wounder if anthing is happened yet.

Rocky:hey ryder how are you.

Ryder:good*looking at jake asleep*

Rocky:well im going to stay up here.

Ryder:ok rocky.

(5 hours later)


Ryder:what what im up looking at his pup pad.

Mayor Goodway:umm rdyer there is a robbery going on we need the pawpatrol help!!!

Ryder:ok pawpatrol is on s roll.

(with chase)

Chase:so cute when she is asleep, but ryder needs us.*kissez her*

(in the lookout)

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