Part 20 The truth that kills

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Chase:Who is tundra?

Everest:o she is my adopted sister*grins*

Chase:well thats the crazy one the one that almost killed me!?!?

Everest:yes but she is good calm down chase.*puting her paw over his chest*

Silvia:*lays next to them*thanks shela*smiles*

Shela:you*pant* are w-welcome geez i-im t-tired*falling asleep on the couch*

Silvia:so chase and everest who is tundra?

Chase: i don't want to talk about it.

???:o everest is this the guy?


Tundra:*smiling* well of course dumb dumb he is so hot and handsome*looking at chase*


Silvia:*giving a low growl*

Everest:tundra he is mine not yours*blushing*

Tundra:but i thought you said you wanted help? Did you?

Everest:well n-no tundra.

Tundra: what is wrong with you first we have a little fun in a room then you ask for help then you say no make up your mined EVEREST!!!!

Silvia:*holding chases paw tightly and growling even a little louder making chase notice*

Chase:help what is this are you-*everest covers his mouth*

Everest:listen i did but silvia-

Tundra: i trusted you we mated everest and you wanted my help well you just used me for sex thats all you wanted me for was it even when mom and dad were alive you just wanted me for sex and nothing more am i right and now you have something someone and he probably fucks you every morning evening and night he probably does not even get a break thats why he hurt him self everest to take  break your to sex addicted!!!!!

Everest:im to sex addicted more like you are you wanted to mate and you foced me to imfelt your claws go into the back of my head when you came it hurt but did i care no-

Chase:wait wait wait you mated with tundra your bi everest!!!!!

Everest:does it mater chase.

Chase:yes i can get sick everest!!

Tundra:give me one reason not to hurt all three of you right now.

Silvia:wait wait nobody needs to get hurt ok everest and tundra make up please for me chase everyone.

Chase:i can't believe this you mated with another person everest what is wrong with you!!!

Everest:wrong with me yiu mated with that whore right next to you!!!

Chase:i did it to save you everest if it weren't for silvia you would have been raped and dead right now!!!

Tundra:wait im sorry don't fight its it got to me again*feeling her heart hurt*

Silvia:tundra are you ok?

Chase:maybe i should have left you everest i risked so much for you even my life i almost died thats it i can't take it we are threw im breaking up!!!

Everest:chase wait you don't.

Chase:*crying* im sorry we are threw i don't need this*getting up and running off*

Everest:*tears forming*ch-chase please don't leave me*grabing his paw*

Tundra:ok everest we are fusing again.

Everest:no tundra this would hav- ahhhhh!!!!!

Chase:*gets his paw back and walks off with tears in his eye's*

Silvia: wait chase*following him*

Everest:*crying* da-damn it chase why would you leave me im pregnant with your pups and you leave me now why chase why-*sniff* i lost everything for you to.

(in the woods)

Chase:ugh*sniff* looking at his poket knife* i want to kill my self so ba-bad right no*sniff*now why would she mate with someone else's i still love her but it hurts we mated but why now why does bad thing happen to me why god i wish-*putting the knife to his throat*good bye world*


(With Ryder)

Ryder:ok i will ask again who are you working with

Evil chase:*feels his neck getting cut open*owwwww!!!!!!!*im going to die am i chase you smart ass your killing your self to save everyone else are you well i will see you in hell*

Ghost wolf:he is dead Ryder.


(with everest)

Everest: *crying*shela wake up wake up come on we have to get chase.

Shela:ugh ok everest and stop crying we will fined him*i hope*

(with silvia in the woods)

Silvia:o geez chase wake up wake up wake up*hugging his body tightly* i love you don't die chase please you habe so much to live for.

Chase very very weak voice:l-l-look silvia u-uh l-leave me -forget i u-uh existed and i love you back*kissing her on the lips*i l-lo-love everything in this world but-uh uh uh uh*feeling the world slowing down and seeing a bright light*i love everest*

Silvia:chase chase*shaking him*no!!!!!!!!*crying into his dead body*

(in Hell)

Chase: were am I?

King of hell:well chase i see you have been sent to hell instead of heaven.

Chase:wait im in hell?

King of hell:yes and you know why your hear.


King of hell:you killed your self to save everyone but your self.

Chase:well i did but Everest cheated on me.

King of hell:did she really she wanted to give you more chase more than you ever could have imagined in pleasure.

Chase:can i go back?

God:look i got it from here chase you risked your life to save everyone but did you really save everyone silvia and everest you hurt them more than everything chase silvia wanted to be with you and with everest but you deserve to be punished for your wrong doings i will forgive what you have done but they miss you so your choice stay in hell forever or provide me the skills and knowledge and understanding you have for your mate's silvia and everest your call.

Chase:i choose to prove to you i can be more than what i am now and to provide the love that silvia and everest need and get the person who started all of this!!!!

Well this is chapter 20 i hope it was good i hope anyone did not cry as chase is dead right now and everest and chase are no longer together will chase pove to be a good mate will chase get bakc with silvia and everest and will chase kill the person who started all of this? Uwolf104 im out.

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