part 9 The help

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Rocky: o-oh my head were am i?

Evil Chase:*dark voice* i see your awake 

Rocky: ahh!!!!

Evil chase:Ok rocky i believe that is you name right?

Rocky:*whimpers* please don't hurt me chase!

Evil chase:hurt no your going to help me*grins evilly*

Rocky: help?

Evil chase: yes help tell me everything you know.

Rocky: well

(With Everest)

Everest: oh chase.*sniff*

Kayla:it's ok Everest he is fine fang and mormondo had the same problem once to.

Everest: r-really*sniff*

Kayla: yup over me.

Ghost wolf: hehe vary true kayla five days to see who was better.

Sneaky wolf:*pant*o-ok back oof!

Mormondo: jeez sneaky wolf you can run*pant*

Ghost wolf:ok what did you get guys.

Sneaky wolf: ok i got information on chase*pant*

Everest: what is it tell me!?!?!

Ghost wolf: relax Everest let him talk.

Everest:ok ok.

Sneaky wolf: ok now chase is evil i seen it kissing a random dude and kept saying revenge.

Everest: sorry i need to go*puts on chases spy gear*

Sneaky wolf:*jaw drops* so h-hot.

Ghost wolf:*slaps him* she already has a mate dumb o.

Sneaky wolf:oww sorry.

Everest:bye*smile fades* i wil be back.

(With chase)

Evil chase: ok rocky was that it.

Rocky:y-yes so what your saying is your helping chase?

Evil chase:yes so this marrshall were can i find him.

Rocky: i don't know.

Evil chase:*grows*your lieing!!!

Rocky: no im not.

Chase: give me my body back!!!!!!!

Evil chase:no ahhhh!!!

Chase:*pant* o hey rocky.

Rocky:uh what  was that?

Chase:uh nothing you seen nothing hehe.

Everest: *growling* chase!!!!

Chase:*jaw drops with rockys*e-everest

Rocky:*red face* i should go hehe.

Everest:*growling* give me back chase!!!!!

Chase:*blushing*but e-everest i am here.

Everest:*growling*ok then come with me.

Chase:ok Everest just relax ok im here.

Everest:ok i see that your fur is back to normal and not black any more so i can "trust you"

Chase:whats with the face.

Everest: just get out!!!


Everest:get out!!!!!!

Chase:ok Everest you asked for it.*hugs her*


Chase:relax im here*lays here with him on his bed*

Everest:*sniff*c-chase not leave me ever again.

Chase: i won't promise.

Evil chase:ok so thats how you want to play ok you got it ahahahshhaha.

(With marrshall)

Marrshall:humdinger it did not work we need a new plan.

Humdinger:i don't know marrshall i won't help you anymore.

Marrshall: do it or i will rat you out know get a new plan.

(With ryder)

Ryder: ok guys we need to rebuild the lookout but for now we will live with jake.

Everest:um ryder were is marrshall?

Ryder: idon't know.

Chase: ok come on everest i will drive.

Ryder: ok i will put you in groups first chase and everest thrn rocky and sky then zuma and marrshall and rubble you will bunk in with tracker ok.

Chase:well come on.

(At jakes)

Jake: hey guys.

Everyone: hey jake.

Jake: well the rooms are done so pick what you want.

Tracker: i call top.

Rubble: dang it.

Zuma: top.

Rocky: well at lest its a qeen size bed right sky.

Sky: i guess it can work.

Chase: wow a king size this is great.

Everest: well it was made for me and you hehe.

Chase: thats why i love you *kisses her*

Everest:*umf* o how i missed that.

(Later that night)

Everest:  hey chase im sorry for snaping at you.

Chase: its fine.

Everest: well you w-want to have some fun hehe.

Chase: hehe shore.

Everest : but my butt only im not ready to have pupppys just yet.

Chase: ok everest you got it.

All night was howling and yelling and moaning that night and marrshall was more mad than ever.

Marrshall: o chase your going to pay.

Rocky:hehe idon't think everest is going to be able to walk hehe.

Sky: o hehe be quit rocky she needed it anyways hehe.

Hello everyone sorry for the really late update i have been busy with school so yea i will update as sone as possible i promise :) ;)uwolf104 im out.

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