Part 4 understanding

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Gost wolf: ok chase i need you to hold still.

chase: why?

grey wolf: just do it stupid.

fang: hey hey no need to be rude he it his head like i don't know 3 times.

sneaky wolf: ok ok i got it.

everyone: what?

sneaky wolf: mormondo hit him in the head.*grins*

chase: what!?!?

mormondo: relax chase this will be quick.

gost wolf: wait one second.

mormondo: what know.

gost wolf : we should use that time ma-


fang: really you just could not wait.

grey wolf: idiot 

sneaky wolf: please tell me that worked.

kayla: i hope so.

( marrshall in kaitys)

kaity: o geez marrshall im so sorry for you.

marrshall: its fine but thanks any way.

ryder: guys im sorry but we have to arrest chase.

tracker: sínodo ryder no puedes aseado eso.

Ryder: sorry but tracker your going to help me.

tracker: ok sinodo Ryder.

(with chase 3 hours later)

chase: oh my head everest you hear.

mormondo: yes it worked.

chase: ahhh wolfs and a fox!!!!!!*runs out of dean into a park*

gost wolf: well atlest it worked.

kayla: he was nice.

seaky wolf: ok who wants to play hide and seek.

everyone: we do.

chase: ok i think i lost them.

tracker: chase amigo i need you to put your hands up know.

chase: tracker whats going on.

swat team: chase put your paws up now or else police brutality will be used.

Ryder: do it chase.

chase: Ryder whats going on?

police:chase just put your hands up and get on the ground now.

chase: Ryder why am i getting arrested for.

tracker: chase amigo you hurt marrshall and almost killed him.

chase: i would never.

Ryder: its true.

chase: no its no-*tzzzzzzzz*

police: suspect is down i repeat suspect is down*holding tazer trigger down*

sky: whats going on here?

rocky: o no.

chase:s-sky what are thay d-doing t-to m-me?

sky: well chase you got what you deserved asking everest out behind my back for shame chase and hurting marrshall im mean who does that he is so nice.o and we are through!!!

chase: w-w-*tzzzz*

police officer: ok huys lets get him out of here.*putting hand cuffs on him*

Ryder: im sorry chase.

(jake in the cabin)

jake: hey everest you ok you look down.

everest: jake chase promised he be back and he has not been here in the days.

jake: o everest im so sorry.

everest: i knew it was to good to be true.

jake: o everest im im sorry*hugging her*

everest: *crying*

jake: there there everest chase will be back i hope.

(the phone goes off)

jake: ok everest one second.hello

Ryder: hey jake can you come to the prison in adventure bay.

jake: ok no problem but why?

Ryder: no time to explain and bring everest.

(50 minutes later)

jake: im here Ryder.

Ryder: great someone whats to talk to you.

jake: who?

Ryder: look for yourself.

jake: chase what are you doing in there?

chase: jake help me please i don't know why.

everest: o chase*putting paw on glass and begains to cry*

chase: o everest don't cry please.

jake: Ryder what the fuck is your issue why did you do this.*looking at chase trying to comfort everest *

Ryder: look jake he hurt marrshall.

jake: Ryder open your got damn eyes look at chase how many cuts does he have!!

Ryder: 6 j-jake.

Jake: Ryder just just let chase go man he did not start this you can tell how many cuts did marrshall have.

Ryder: one but.

jake: ok Ryder just do me one favor let chase out for 5 minutes please .

Ryder: o ok but five only.

chase: o everest*pining her down and licking her tears away*

everest: o chasey* hugging him tightly*

jake:Awwww you see Ryder he is not bad at all.

(with sky)

( warning short mating seen)

rocky: ok sky you ready.

sky: hehe just do it.

rocky :ok raming his cock all the way into her.

sky: ahhhhhhhhh rocky this feels amazing.

rocky : o this is just the start hehe*starts pumping in and out faster and faster hiting her g spot*

sky: o rocky your so so b-ah ah ah ah ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!

rocky: so t-tight sky im guna c-c-c-cum ohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

sky: rocky d-don't stop get me your pups.

rocky: o geez sky.

30 minutes later rocky  bursted in her womba.

(end of mating seen)

everest: chase please don't every leave me alone again.*sniff*

chase: o won't everest i won't.

jake: Ryder just let him go please form a friend to a friend.

tracker:Awwww sinodo ryder please thay look so happy together.

ryder: im sorry but no one week ok and then he will be free.

well that was chapter four sky and rocky guna have pups and chase is going to be in jail for a week and his memories are back what happens next will fined out next weekend.Uwolf104 im out.Thx to RageIsHere for giving me support and ideas.

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