Part 11 change?

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Tundra:*growling* ok so who goes first the brow wolf or the grey one!!

Ghost wolf:no i will.


Chase:e-Everest f-fight t-that t-thing.

Tundra:oh everest is not here*runs and grabs chase by the throat*


Everest:*lets go of chase* o no It happened again i-i got  to go.

Ghost wolf: o no your n-oof*

Shela:just let her go ghost.

Chase:*breaths heavily*

Ghost wolf:c-chase you ok?


Shela:look sorry chase but-

Chase:shut it i dont want to hear a thing!

Ghost wolf: ok ok relax chase come on*grabs his paw*

Chase:*pulls away*no leave me alone!!!

Shela:*pins him down* look your girl friend almost killed us all an you need her what has she done for you!!!

Evil chase:*grabs her by her throat* o hehe i see you thought you killed me well to bad throws her against the wall*

Ghost wolf:shela!!!

Evil chase:o so you care for her am i right hahahahah.*runs out the dean*

Shela*pant*ghost h-help*passes out*

Ghost wolf:o shela*lays next to her and holds her tightly*

Fang:damn it im going to get you chase!!!

(With Everest)

Everest:no no why tundra*hears somthing in the bushes*ah!!

Marrshall:o sorry Everest did not mean to scare you.

Everest:stay back marrshall.

Marrshall:why*moves forward*


Marrshall:*pins her and kisses her*

Everest:*i tried to pull back but he pushed his mussel against  me*

Marrshall:how was that hehehe.

Everest:y-you monster!!!

Marrshall:or am i*begains to rub his thing on her privates*

Everest:m-marrshall s-stop*groans*

Marrahall:o this is just barey the start hehhe*about to ram it in*

Evil chase:*pins down marrshall* run love hehehehe.


Evil chase:no im helpping him out this is the guy who will give chase his revenge mwhahahaha!!!

Marrshall:well your to late everest already cheated on you and she has my pups.

Evil chase: i dont care but all i want is you dead and your lieing i can seens it.

Everest: marrahall his telling the truth just run i don't whant to loes you.

Chase:everest*pins her*

Everest:chase? But your.

Evil chase: well im a clone and thats your  real chase.


Marrshall:*bitsevil chase*


Evil chase: o i mess that


Everest:chase you ok.


Evil chase: o yea and anthing happens to me it goes to him not me..

Marrshall:you basterd.

Ghost wolf:*knocks out marrshall and evily chase*

Chase:oww!Ghost whatch it.

Ghost wolf:sorry hehe.

Everest:kisses chase*thank you i will give  you a bj as soon as we get back to jakes.

Chase:o boy*hugs Everest*

Ghost wolf:so what do we do with marrshall and evil you.

Chase:this never happened ok can you change marrshall back to a good guy and get ride of evil me.

Ghost wolf: you got it*grins*

Chase:great and send him home and  Everest you can start now.

Everest:*grins and begain to suck*

Chase:*groans*o e-everest!

Ghost wolf:*well i hope they have fun and i hope chase fined his new tip better than his knot hehe*

Everest:*stops sucking* o chase i love your tip way better*sucks again*

Chase:ah ah oh!*can't what untill everest lets me get her pregnant*

Everest:*i hope chase does not know i will be in heat next week*

(At jakes)

Jake:ryder i have good news.

Ryder:and what is that jake.

Jake:the lookout is finished.

Ryder:great well come on guys lets go and thank you jake.

Jake:any time any time ryder.

(With ghost wolf)

Ghost wolf:done how are you shela?


Ghost wolf:p-pregnant*fates*


Kayla:well i am to with  fangs pups hehe.

Fang:w-what?!?!?!*passes out*

Mormondo:dang it well congrats kalya.*frowns*

Kayla:kisses him thanks for understanding mormondo you will find your mate one day*smiles*

Mormondo:aw thanks kalya.

(With marrahall)

Marrshall:o-oh my head.

Zuma:hello sleepy head still mad.

Marrshall:mad im happier than ever.


(With Rocky )

Rocky: o  sky i love mating with you.

Sky:*pant* oh oh!!!

Rocky:*grins*o i will miss this.

Sky:i will to but that does not mean we can still  fun.

Rocky:o i love you*rams it in*


(With chase )

Chase:*caring Everest on his back*

Everest:o chase you know how to give me a fun time.

Chase:hehehe i knew you liked it and its better than my knot right.

Everest:y-yea*yawns*and c-chase im going to be in heat soon.*grins*

Chase:great and well good night everest.

Tundra:o my job is done.

???:o Chasey i will find you hehehe.

Well this is chapter 11 i hope it was good leave me a coment if you can so ghost wolf is going to have kids and sky is still 2 months pregnant and marrshall is a good guy now and everest  are almost going to get in heat and get pups what happpens next. Uwolf104 im out

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