Part 17 Tundra?!?!

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Marshall:*handing silvia a towel* here silvia to clean off that blood off your face.

Silvia:*grabs the towel*th-*sniff*thanks marshall.

Ryder:well pups if you want to go back home you can but don't tell everest ok if she finds out she will kill all of us even you silvia.

Silvia:*sniff*why chase why did you save me im nothing to*sniff*chase i was never anthing*crying*

Ryder:silvia don't think like that chase protected you thats all.....well if you want you can come with me so everest does not get suspension about him.

Silvia:*sniff*o-ok r-ryder.

(At the lookout with everest)

Everest:chasey babe you in here?(goes to the elevator)whats this(looks at her food bool filled with liver flavored treats with the note)

Chases note:hey everest we went on a mission i didn't wake you up because you looked so beautiful and peaceful in your sleep you were amazing last night with you know hehe turning me on hehehe anyway her you go everest with all of my heart chasey xoxoxo get ready when i get back if you want it xoxoxoxoxo love chase.

Everest:*blushing*Aww chasey o we are going to have fun tonight with pobably one extra hehehe i hope your safe.

John:hi aunt everest!!!*jumping on her back*

Everest:ah! O h-hi john were are your brother's and sister's?

John:still asleep anyway what is that what are you doing were is my dad and the pups mostly uncle chase?

Everest:well uncle chase and your dad are on a mission John.

John:dang it he promised i could go next time but no. Hey aunt everest want to play pup pup boggie?

Everest:sure john but can i finish my food.

John:*gasp*a-are those livered favored treats?

Everest:y-yes john.

John:can i have some aunt everest plz plz plz plz i will do anything.

Everest:i don't know john uncle chase lift these for me.

John:aww come on there so rare to fined.

Everest:ok ok here only 3 ok no more.

John:thank you aunt everest*hugs her tightly*

Everest:hey john i will be right back.

John:ok aunt everest.

(in her pup house)

Everest:Ah!!!!t-tundra g-get out of me.

Tundra:no we made a promise to stick together after mom and dad past.

Everest:please please.



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