Part 21 The test

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(in hell)

Chase:So.....when do i start?

God:well now*spons in Uwolf*

Uwolf:this is the guy ugh....*looking at the shepeared*

Chase:*looking at the grey and white wolf*who are you.

Uwolf:your challenge but you won't win trust me your the 1,000 person who has tried only one person has one and that was.....*tearing in this eye*

Chase:are you ok?

God:if he passes tell me i have to watch over some people.

Uwolf:you got it.*turns into to a beautiful female Sheperd*ok chase your first test is trust question would you ever mate with anyone else other than silvia and everest?

Chase: well no why do you....*in heat smelll was going into his noise intoxicating him*

Uwolf:its only a matter of seconds* looking at the Sheperd who looked like it was hard for him to control*

Chase:please stop i...

Uwolf:you passed congrats the first test*turns back into a normal male wolf*

Chase:ugh! What the heck Uwolf.

Uwolf:o its only going to get harder.


Evil chase:long time no see dumb o saying that i have done alot.

Chase:*growling*why did you fuck silvia.

Uwolf:o this is going to be good and watch the cussing!!!!

Chase:*growling*o im going to hurt you so bad right now.

Evil chase:your already my bitch chase so just give up.

Chase:*growling* no i have to get back to silvia and everest!!!

Evil chase:ok if you beat me i will not mess with anyone else.

(fight seen)

Chase:ahhhhhhhhh!!!!*runs up to evil chase*

Evil chase:*dodge*to slow

Chase:*turns around*what?

Evil chase:*kicks his back*


Uwolf:ugh looks painful...i like it.

Chase:shut it!!!

Uwolf:o and what is the little baby Sheperd going to do cry like a baby hahaha.

Chase:ugh!!!!*growling*when i get my hands on you Uwolf.

Evil chase:*punches chases face sending him into the air*

Me:As chase and evil chase fight the moved quickly as they hit one another uwolf was impressed by there speed but that finishing blow was what lead evil chase ni break his back.

Evil chase:ow!!!!!ok you win now fuse with me tk beat that guy idiot ugh.

Chase:*looks at uwolf*ok lets do it.

Uwolf:aww it was just going to get good ok*pulling his sword out*i wish i did not have to do this chase....*slashing nere his foot witch made all the ground right next to him tocollapsed with ez*


Uwolf:think before you do something dumb chase i can kilk you with ez ok.....and i don't want that to happen.

Chase:b-but you have a sword its not far....

Uwolf:so evil chases has on too it a back jet.

Chase:*pulls out the sword*nice i like it.

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