Connor VIII

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"Papa! Look what daddy got me!" Penny called out to me when she burst through the front door. I was in the kitchen, putting the final touches on a pork pie for dinner.

"What did he get you?" I asked her as she bounded into the kitchen, a plastic bag in her hands. I caught her and lifted her up to sit on the counter.

"Look!" She giggled, handing me the bag. Peering inside, I quickly recognised a skull and crossbones design on a piece of fabric. "It's a pirate costume papa. Daddy said I can wear it to go trick or treat!"

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow at Jacob who had finally come into the kitchen too, having not been as quick as Penny.

"Remember that Halloween party she's having at school? She wanted to dress up as a pirate and I figured either you or I could maybe take her trick or treating this year for a little bit."

"Oh yeah." I vaguely remembered the notice we'd gotten from Penny's school. "Well, I think you'll make a very scary pirate."

"Argh!" She cried, giggling and starting to wriggle off the counter. I helped her down so she didn't hurt herself, watching as she scampered off to somewhere in the house. Turning to Jacob, I grinned and allowed him to pull me into a hug.

"Where does she get all her energy from?" I asked with a laugh.

"I have no idea. But I wish I had even half of it."

"Mm. We'd get so much more done."

"Alone and together." He smirked at me, pulling back a little. I winked at him.

"Trying to suggest something?"

"Maybe." Leaning down to kiss me, he ran his hands over my back gently, tracing the marks he'd left a few nights ago. I shivered a little and kissed him deeper, reaching my own hands up to run my fingers through his hair.

"Tonight. Promise. After Penny's asleep." I muttered, finally pulling away and turning to finish making dinner.

"Tease." He whined but busied himself setting the table for the three of us. We worked in harmony together, hearing our daughter chattering away as she played with her toys.


The next morning was Saturday. Jacob and I woke late, tangled together under the sheets and hearing the TV playing a random cartoon in the living room. Penny had probably been awake for a few hours already, patiently waiting for us to get up.

"Mm..." I groaned, curling into Jacob's side even more. "I don't want to get up. I want to stay in bed with you." I whispered, trailing light kisses across his bare chest.

"I want that too, baby. I really do. But we've got a very patient little girl out there who needs breakfast." He replied, hugging me tight once before letting go and sitting up. His back was towards me and I reached out to touch it, gently raking my fingernails down the exposed skin.

"One last kiss?" He turned back to look at me with a smile.

"Always." I propped myself up on one elbow as he leaned down and kissed me sweetly. "I love you, Connor."

"Love you too, Jay." I snuggled back down into the bed and watched him as he made his way to our ensuite to shower. 

I don't remember falling asleep again but I woke to Penny jumping on me and giggling delightedly. I blinked blearily as I heard Jacob laughing quietly too.

"Papa. Papa, wake up." Penny begged bouncing on my legs.

"'M awake." I mumbled, pulling her to lie beside me.

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