Troye XXIV

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"I-I think I'm getting feelings for you."

After I said those words, a heavy silence fell over us. I kept my eyes glued to his face, watching as a series of emotion filtered across. I wanted to take back what I'd said. Now everything would be different.

"I know."

"I"m so sor-what?" I was shocked, to say the least at what Connor said. "You know?"

"Well, I kind of figured that's what was going on. I didn't know about the other stuff." He reached a hand out to touch my shoulder. "But I still want to be your friend."



"I...but, what about my feelings?"

"They don't matter." Connor froze for a second, realising what he'd said and back-tracked. "I mean, I'm not concerned with your feelings for me right now. I just want to make sure you're okay."


"Yes. The way I see it, these feelings are probably a result of some jealousy from being in your position and seeing Jacob and I still happy. You'll probably find it's just a crush that will go away over time."

"I hope so. I hate feeling like I want to do something that would jeopardize our friendship."

"As long as you don't actually do anything, I'm here to support you through this, okay?" I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me knowing that I hadn't messed up my friendship with Connor.


I was still at Connor's place an hour later when the front door burst open and Penny came prancing in.

"Papa! I'm home now!" She called out, looking for Connor but coming to a halt when she saw me sat on the sofa. "Where's my papa?"

"He's in the bathroom," I told her, just as Jacob came through the door, laden down with bags.

"Penny, you forgot your bag again...oh. Hi, Troye." A cold tone seeped into his voice when he spoke to me.

"Hi..." I was going to say more but Connor came back into the room, surprised to see his family there.

"Oh. You're home already. Um, Jay, Troye and I have sorted everything out."

"You're sure? I won't have to dry your tears after he leaves?" Jacob was deadly serious but Connor cracked a small smile as he replied.

"There'll be no tears tonight. Promise."

"Penny, go put your things away for me," Jacob said to the little girl who nodded with wide eyes and took her bag from him before scurrying to her room. Once we heard her door click shut, Jacob put down the rest of what he was carrying and stepped closer to me, a hard look in his eyes. "If Connor ever tells me that you've hurt him again, I won't think twice about hurting you, got it?"

"Jacob." Connor groaned, grabbing onto his husband's shoulder, trying to stop him from looking so threatening but I just looked Jacob in the eye as best I could and nodded.

"I promise, I won't hurt him again," I said, hoping he believed me. There was silence in the room for a moment.

"Are you okay?" It was the last thing I'd expected Jacob to say and I just blinked stupidly for a second.

"Oh, uh, I'll get there. I'm feeling a lot better now that I've talked to Connor." And just like that, the tension was gone from the room. Connor and Jacob sat together on one sofa, opposite me and we talked. A bit about my home situation but mostly about trivial things. Penny joined us after a while, insisting that she show Connor and I what she'd learned in her dance lesson.

It was nice to just spend time with them, talking and laughing until I had to go home and make dinner for Sam and Jess. Connor followed me out to my car, hugging me goodbye.

"Remember, I'm here for you. Whatever you need. Don't try and do this all on your own."

"I know. Thanks, Connor." He stood at the end of his driveway, watching as I drove off. As soon as he was out of sight, I felt my heart drop. He knew how I felt about him but instead of being angry with me, he was being so nice about it. How was I supposed to try and move on now?

A/N: So this chapter is pretty short but the next few will be longer. I've had some time this week to sit down and plan out the rest of the story and I have an end in sight. Only nine more chapters to go.

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