Troye XII

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"I-I've been having an-an affair." The words were barely out of Joey's mouth before my knees collapsed and I found myself on the floor.

"You what?"

"I'm so sorry, Troye. I never meant for it to happen. I love you..."

"You don't."

"I do. Troye, I love you so much. What I did was idiotic. And stupid. And moronic. And a million other things. It never should have happened." He knelt in front of me, reaching out to touch my cheek but I slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me."


"No. Get away from me. I don't want to see you. Get out of the house."


"I said; get out. Go somewhere. Anywhere. I don't care."

"I can't - won't - do that, Troye. I love you. I want to make it up to you."


"I'll do anything. Troye, please. Please, I love you." Tears were forming in his eyes as he begged but I shook my head, not able to look him in the eye. This man whom I'd trusted with my life, my heart, had suddenly betrayed me in the worst way possible.

"Get out."


"GET OUT!" I screamed suddenly, my emotions taking over and I shoved him away from me, scrambling to my feet and rushing up the stairs to our bedroom. I heard Joey come after me and I was suddenly thankful we'd put a lock on our door. He couldn't get in.

"Troye, talk to me. Please. We can work it out." His voice was muffled by the door as I slid down it to sit on the floor again, bringing my knees up to my chest and hugging them tightly.

"Leave me alone."

"We can work it out."

"No. Go away."

"Please, Troye. Please let me in."

"I said no."

"I'll break it off with him in the morning, I promise." Something in me snapped and I jumped up, yanking the door open to glare at him.

"In the morning? Are you kidding me? You think that's going to make me feel better? What would make me feel better is if you left this house, tonight, and didn't come back." I hissed.

"I won't do that. I want to stay here. With you. I love you."

"Well you should have thought of that before you had an affair with some random pretty-boy."

"I'm sorry, Troye. I'll do anything to make it up to you."

"This isn't like you brought home the wrong thing from the store. You can't just 'make it up' to me. You cheated on me. For god only knows how long." I laughed bitterly.

"Three months."


"Three months. That's how long the affair's been going on."

"Oh my god! You've been sleeping with someone else for three months!?"My voice was slowly rising again as my anger boiled over. "You're telling me that you thought it was okay to cheat on me for three whole months?"

"No, I-"

"Get out! Get out of my house! I don't want to see you! I don't want to hear you! Just get out!" By the end I was screaming and I heard, somewhere in the back of my consciousness, Sam's bedroom door opening.

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