Connor VI

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By the end of the week, I was tired of wearing the stupid sling. I'd only needed to have it for three days but I figured another day or two wouldn't hurt. When I got home from work on Friday, I pulled it off and tossed it to the floor in the hallway, leaving it there to put away later. Jacob would be home soon too, with Penny and I just wanted a few moments of peace to myself so I lay down on the sofa in the living room with the TV going. In moments I was asleep and I was woken a while later by Jacob.

"Con. Connor. Wake up, baby." He gently shook me and I blinked up at him.

"Oh. Hey, I didn't hear you get in."

"We just got home. How are you feeling?"

"Tired. Where's Penny?" I sat up, wincing a little at the pressure I was putting on my arm; I hadn't taken my pain medication for a while.

"In her room. What's with the face?"

"Nothing. Just a little sore on my arm."

"Okay. Be careful, yeah? We don't need you back in that emergency room." He grinned at me as I stood up and I shook my head, allowing him to pull me into an embrace.

"I was thinking..." I trailed off, looking up at him from where I was still cuddled into him and he raised an eyebrow.


"Do you think your parents would take Penny for the night?"

"Got something you want to do, huh?" He teased and I felt my cheeks heat up. Despite our years of marriage, I still went red whenever we talked about our sex lives. I couldn't help it and he thought it was adorable.


"I can call them, if you want. I'm sure Penny'd love a night with her grandparents."

"Yes, please." I asked, giving him puppy-dog eyes. It'd been a long week and I wanted to spend some time alone with my husband. It was hard to be alone when Penny was in the house so we occasionally sent her to either my parents' or Jacob's parents' place for the night. 

"Okay." He kissed me before letting go and tapping my nose with his finger. "Why don't you head upstairs and get some sleep? If my parents take Penny, you won't be doing much sleeping tonight." He whispered the last part in my ear and I grinned.

"I'm looking forward to it." I promised, kissing him again and then spinning on my heel to head to our room. Making myself comfortable, I curled up in bed, holding tightly to Jacob's pillow in his absence. I fell asleep quickly, thoughts about the past week in my head.


"Be a good girl for nana and granddad, yeah?" I said to Penny as I hugged her goodbye.

"Yes, papa." She kissed my cheek before giggling and letting go of me to say goodbye to Jacob.

"We'll see you tomorrow morning, okay?"

"I know. Bye daddy." Giving him a cheeky smile, she poked his chest and darted out of his reach, hiding behind Jacob's mom's legs.

"Cheeky monkey." He playfully scolded, standing up and resting a hand on the small of my back. As it turned out, Jacob's parents had been on their way home when he called and offered to pick up Penny instead of us dropping her off.

"Okay, have fun tonight." Jacob's mom said, taking Penny's hand. "I know we will. How do you like the sound of pretty pink fingernails?"

"Ooh! Yes please, nana!" Penny started jumping up and down as she followed Jacob's mom to the car. I smiled and leaned into Jacob's side as we watched our daughter chatter excitedly about the possibilities of what she could do tonight. She looked adorable with her pink backpack on her back, making her seem even smaller than she really was. We waved to her as the car drove away, only closing the door when the car had disappeared around the corner.

"Finally. We're alone." Jacob said, pulling me close by the waist. I grinned and looped my arms around his neck.

"Mm. Whatever will we do with ourselves?"

"I've got a few ideas; if you're not hungry, that is."

"Well, I am hungry. But that can wait." I whispered, stretching up on my tip-toes to press a trail of kisses along his jaw-line.

"Good." He tightened his arms around me, pulling me up so that my toes were just barely off the floor. "I want to make up for what I said at the start of the week."

"I've already forgiven you." I promised, giggling a little when he started walking towards our room.

"But you got hurt because of it. I can never apologise enough for it. It wasn't necessary."

"Well, if this is going where I think it is; I'm not going to complain if you want to keep apologising." In our room, he gently lay me on the bed, keeping hold of my injured arm and trailing kisses all the way from my fingers to my shoulder.

"Good. Get ready, baby. Because I'm going to show you that I love you more than anything else in the world." I laughed as he lay on top of me, cradling his face in my hands.

"Even more than Penny?"

"Hmm. That's a tough competition. I think I have to say you're in equal first."

"So what would you do if you could only save one of us from a burning building?" 

"Sacrifice myself so you could both survive. But that's a depressing topic. Let's not talk about it right now. I told you what we were doing tonight."

"Mm..." I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck, pulling him down to kiss me. "Just be careful of my arm."

"Oh, don't worry, baby. I'll be very careful." He whispered by my ear and I couldn't help the shiver that went through me. I grinned as he gently nipped my ear, his hands roaming across my chest. "I love you."

"I love you too, Jay, so much." I promised. He pulled back to look at me, one hand resting on my cheek. I leaned into it affectionately and smiled.

"More than anything."

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