Connor XXI

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"Papa, where are we going?" Penny asked me as I clicked her seatbelt in. I smiled at her and put her pink backpack on the seat beside her.

"Troye invited you to have a sleepover with Jess. You remember how much fun you had when Jess stayed with us a few weeks ago?" I asked and she nodded, her eyes going wide with excitement. somehow, I'd managed to not tell her that Jacob was coming home today and she was totally clueless.

"But you'll be lonely, papa."

"I'll be okay. I've got some work to do so that I don't have to do it when daddy comes home next week." It was only partly a lie; I did have work to finish but, unbeknownst to her, I'd actually done it last night after she was asleep.

"Oh. Okay."

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah!" I grinned and shut the door, hurrying to the driver's seat and climbing in. I only had fifteen minutes to drop her off at Troye's if I wanted to get to the airport before Jacob got through customs, so I put my foot down on the accelerator a little more than normal as we took off.

The whole ride, Penny hummed along to the radio, singing her own version of the lyrics where she could. I watched her through the rear-view mirror with a smile. I was feeling a little guilty for not telling her about Jacob but I knew she wouldn't really notice.

"Thanks so much for watching her," I said quietly to Troye, standing on his front porch and impatiently shifting from foot to foot. Troye grinned and hugged me, taking Penny's bag that my daughter had forgotten to pick up in her rush to get inside.

"You're welcome. Enjoy the time with him. I'll text you in the morning when she wakes up."

"Okay. Thanks." He laughed and gave me a gentle push.

"Go. You'll be late otherwise."

"I'm going," I replied, already turning away.

"Papa! You didn't give me a kiss!" Penny appeared from within the house, throwing her arms around my legs.

"Sorry, princess." I kissed the top of her head and hugged her. "Be a good girl for Troye, okay?"

"I will. Bye, papa."

"Bye, Penny." She stood on the porch with Troye, watching me as I walked to the car and I waved to her before turning onto the road. I put my foot down even more than I had on my way here, risking a couple speeding tickets.

Finally, I made it to the airport with five minutes to spare. I was lucky enough to find a parking spot quickly and I jumped out of the car, speed walking to the arrivals area. I managed to find a spot in clear view of the door but open enough that I could run to Jacob when I saw him.

Frustratingly, it seemed as though about seven flights had just landed and hundreds of people poured through the door, sometimes obscuring my view. I craned my neck to look around them, wanting nothing more than to see those beautiful hazel eyes that I loved so much.

"Connor!" At the sound of my name, I looked to find the source of the voice, my eyes almost instantly locking with Jacob's. I couldn't help the huge grin that spread across my face as I ran towards him.

"Jacob!" I sighed when I finally got to him, throwing my arms around him and feeling his arms tight around me. "I missed you so much, Jay."

"I missed you, too, baby." He whispered in my ear before pressing his lips to mine in a kiss filled with enough love to make up for the last three weeks of no kisses. "God, it feels so good to be back in your arms again. You have no idea."

"I think I have some." I disagreed with a laugh.

"Where's Penny?" It hit me, in that moment, that with all my determination to keep his coming home a secret from our daughter, I'd forgotten to tell him about my plan.

"She's at Troye's for the night. So we can have some time together."

"That's a bit mean, isn't it?"

"She doesn't even know you're here. I didn't tell her. I wanted to, you know, be with you tonight and I know we couldn't if Penny was at home."

"Oh, Connor. You're so sweet..." With the way he trailed off, I knew he wanted to say more so I prompted him a little.


"But I missed her too. I was looking forward to seeing her again tonight."

"I'm sorry. I didn't even think of it that way. Oh god, I'm so selfish." The smile fell from my face and I buried my face against his chest in embarrassment. I could feel him laughing quietly as he weaved his fingers into my hair affectionately.

"It's okay. I understand how you were thinking. And I can wait a few more hours to see her. Especially if those hours are spent with my gorgeous husband."

"Really?" I looked up at him hopefully as he nodded.

"Of course. Now are we going to keep standing here like a couple of idiots or are we going home?"

"Let's go home," I replied, letting go of him for a moment, only to grab his hand so I could lead him out to the car. I loved how, every few steps, he'd lean over to kiss my cheek and squeeze my hand lovingly. It was amazing to have him back.

The drive home felt a lot faster than the drive to the airport with Jacob telling me all about his trip and I listened intently, actually interested in what he was saying.

"Home, sweet, home," I announced, pulling into our driveway and turning off the car. We both got out and headed straight to the house, an unspoken decision between us to leave his suitcase in the car for now. At the front door, he took the key from me, unlocking the door himself before bending a little to pull me up into his arms, bridal style. "This is what you're supposed to do on a honeymoon, Jay. Not just any random night."

"I don't care. Who says I can't carry the love of my life into our house if I want to?" He replied, silencing me with a kiss as he carried me into the house, kicking the door shut behind him. I laughed, expecting him to put me down but instead, he held tight and carried me all the way to our room. Only then did he set me on the floor, only to push me against the wall, connecting our lips in a passionate kiss.

"Mm. I missed this." I mumbled when he moved to kiss my neck. "God, that feels amazing."

"You want more?" He asked, his voice low and sexy. I nearly trembled then and my breath caught in my throat, leaving me unable to speak. He instantly understood and pulled me away from the wall, guiding us both to the bed.

"N-no." I stuttered, stumbling in his arms.

"Huh?" He was confused and pulled back to look me in the eye. I was finally able to breathe and think properly for a moment with his lips away from my skin.

"Not there."

"Oh. Where?" With what I hoped was a seductive smirk, I grabbed his hand and led him to our bathroom where I let go of him for just long enough to turn on the shower. "Ooh." He realised where I was going and grinned, pulling me close by the waist and fiddling with the buckle of my belt.

"Good?" I asked and he responded by finally tugging my pants down and connecting our lips together in a hot, open-mouthed kiss.

"The best." He whispered just seconds before he shoved me back into the spray of water, ignoring the fact that I was still wearing my shirt. Oh well, it would come off soon enough anyway, judging from the look in his eye that I loved so much.

A/N: They're back together :) I know this is a tronnor story but I'm having a hard time forcing myself to try and separate Connor and Jacob...they're just so cute together, don't you think? But don't worry. They will split soon enough, leaving space for Troye and Connor to get together.

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