Connor XXVI

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As soon as I woke up, I felt tears pricking at my eyes. It was the day that Jacob was leaving for Paris. He was flying out this afternoon and not coming back for at least two months. Not caring if I woke him up, I rolled over and threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"Hey. It's okay, baby." He murmured, stroking my hair and hugging me back. "I'll be back before you know it."

"I can't believe it's today already. I'm not ready to say goodbye."

"It's not goodbye, remember? It's just for now. And I'll call you as soon as I get to my hotel." He'd booked a hotel to stay in for the first few nights until he could move into the tiny apartment we'd found near the magazine office for him to live in. I sniffled and lifted my head to press my lips against his in a feverish kiss. I knew that I wouldn't be able to do that for a while.

"I love you, Jacob."

"I know. I love you too. But I don't have to go just yet so let's just make the most of these last few hours?"

"Penny's in the house..." I said, wanting to be with him in that way but knowing I couldn't with our daughter so close.

"Not that. I just want to hold you. I want to remember everything about you." I nodded and buried my face in his neck, tightening my arms around him as if I'd never let go. 


"Daddy, I don't want you to go." Penny sobbed, clinging to Jacob with her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him. He was holding on just as tightly to her.

"I'll be back very soon, princess. I promise. And I'll call you and papa every day."

"You promise?" She sniffed and pulled back a fraction to look at him. He nodded seriously, kissing her cheek.

"I do. I love you very much, Penny. Remember that, okay?"

"Okay. I love you, daddy." Finally, she let go of him, slipping to the ground where she stood beside me while Jacob engulfed me in a bear hug. I could feel a couple tears on his cheek where it was pressed to mine but I didn't know if they were mine or his.

"I'm only a phone call away. If you need anything, anything, you call me. I don't care what time of day or night."

"I know."

"Only sixty days, baby. Then we'll be together again. Two months. It's not that long."

"Two months." I couldn't form proper sentences, just settling for making any words so that he knew I heard him. He pulled back, pressing his hands to my cheeks and kissed me, long and hard. It was the last time I'd kiss him for two whole months.

"Last call for flight  UA938 to London. All passengers make your way to boarding gate twelve." An automated voice over the speaker made him jerk away from me, ending our kiss far too soon for my liking.

"That's my flight. I love you, Connor. Penny, be good for papa. And look after each other, okay? You two are the most important to me in the world."

"Bye-bye daddy," Penny said, tears spilling down her cheeks. "I'll be good."

"I-I love you, Jacob." I managed to get out. He held my hand as he began to walk away, stretching to keep the contact for as long as possible until suddenly not even our fingertips could touch anymore. Blowing one last kiss in our direction, he waved sadly before disappearing through the doors. More tears fell from my eyes as I bent down to pick up Penny and carry her towards the exit.

It took a while before I could see enough to drive home. Penny sat patiently in the backseat, sniffling every now and then.

"Papa, I miss daddy." She said quietly when we were about halfway home.

"I know baby girl. I do too."

A/N: Another short one but I don't think there needed to be any more for this. Is anyone else crying as much as I was writing this? I really don't want to break them up but I will. Maybe I should write a spin-off about Connor and Jacob from before the events of the story, just so I can keep writing them being cute. Would you guys like that?

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