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*6 Month Time-skip*

"Connor? You ready to go?" I was stood in the living room of his house, waiting while he got ready for our date. His and Jacob's divorce had gone through pretty quickly, although it took a while for Connor to be okay enough to admit that he wanted to go out on a date with me. I made sure we took it slow, knowing everything was still very new for him. But tonight was our four-month anniversary and I wanted to take him out for a special dinner to celebrate.

"Papa said he doesn't know what to wear." Penny piped up from the floor by the coffee table where she was doing some homework. "He couldn't decide between two shirts."

"Oh." I smiled at her and made my way to his room where he was stood by the bed, looking between a pale blue shirt and a deep red one. "Go with the red." He jumped a little and turned to face me.

"You scared me."

"Sorry. Penny said you were having trouble deciding."

"Yeah. I just want everything to be perfect."

"It doesn't matter to me if it's not. The only thing I need is to have a nice dinner with you, but we'll miss our reservations if we don't get going soon."

"Sorry, I'm done." He hurriedly pulled the red shirt on and ran his fingers through his hair a couple times to tame it. "Let's go."

"You look good." I followed him back to the living room where he kissed the top of Penny's head.

"Lily will be here in half an hour, okay? Make sure you call me if she doesn't come. And don't answer the door if it's not her. There's dinner in the refrigerator for you both and ice-cream for after. And don't forget you've got school tomorrow, so no late nights. You should be asleep when we get back."

"Yes, papa." Penny smiled and I saw her roll her eyes a little when Connor turned his back on her. I had to bite my lip to stop from laughing. Connor was being a little over-protective but I understood. It was the first time he was letting her stay at home by herself, even if it was only for a few minutes until Lily could get here. Normally, I'd bring Sam and Jess to stay with her but they were with Joey for a few days, getting to know their new sister, Keira. "Have fun with Troye."

"I will. Be good."

"Bye, Penny. I'll see you later." I waved at her, finally managing to guide Connor out the front door. "Alright, let's go enjoy our date."


Two days later, all five of us were at Connor's place for the afternoon. Sam and Jess were sat in the living room with Penny, watching TV while Connor and I were making dinner in the kitchen.


"What's up, princess?" Connor looked at his daughter who had appeared in the room, looking a little nervous and scared. "Is everything okay?"

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked quietly.

"Uh, sure. Here, come and sit at the counter. Do you want Troye to go away for a bit?"

"It's okay. He can stay there." Nodding, Connor moved to sit beside her.

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"I want to stay with daddy."

"Stay with daddy? For how long?"

"I don't know. Maybe forever." I swear I could see Connor's heart stop at that moment. Not only had he lost his husband, but he was maybe about to lose his daughter too.

"Why? Don't you like it here?"

"I do. But daddy says that I'd really like living there. And I remember when we went on holidays, it was so nice there."

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