Connor XVII

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Plans for the trip to Paris came together quickly and excitement for the trip grew with each passing day. I took Penny shopping one day to buy her a new pink suitcase which she insisted on dragging behind her the whole way home.

Finally, the day dawned when we were taking off and I  woke with a jump when Jacob poked me in the side.

"Wake up, baby. It's Paris day." He whispered in my ear and I grinned, leaning closer to kiss him.

"I can't wait."

"Me either. Do you think Penny's up?" I pulled away a little to listen, my ears picking up tiny sounds coming from Penny's room.

"Oh yeah. She's up." I laughed and leaned in for another kiss. He accepted and ran a hand through my hair. "She'll be in here soon."

"She always is." Right on cue, the sound of running feet echoed down the hall and seconds later, the door flew open and Penny came flying in, launching herself onto the bed in a flurry of blonde hair and giggles.

"Daddy! Papa! Wake up! It's flying day!" She crawled on top of us, poking Jacob's cheek when he pretended to be asleep.

"Morning, princess. Did you sleep well?" I asked, holding in my laughter as I watched her continue her assault on Jacob's cheek.

"Yes! I dreamed about going in the big aeroplane and flying all around the world!"

"Well, we're not flying quite that far," Jacob mumbled, freeing his arms from the blankets and hugging Penny tightly. "Just a little way."

"Oh. When are we going, Daddy? When?"

"Soon, princess. Papa and I have to get up first and then we all have to have some breakfast, okay?"

"No..." She whined, pouting. I laughed and pulled her to my side of the bed.

"If we're really quiet, daddy might get up and make us some breakfast in bed," I whispered to her, loud enough that Jacob heard. "Would you like that?"

"Yeah!" She giggled but hurriedly cut herself off, looking over at Jacob hopefully. He grinned and rolled his eyes.

"I see what's going on here; I'm outnumbered!" He pretended to pout for a moment before leaning over to kiss us both and then climbed out of bed. He pulled the curtains open, causing the sunlight to stream into the room, landing on the pillow beside me.

"Daddy!" Penny complained, covering her eyes with her hands.

"Sorry, princess. Roll over. Then the sun won't be in your eyes." He told her. She did as he said, cuddling into me. I held her close and made myself comfortable. 


"Connor, wake up." Jacob was shaking me awake and I blinked up at him. Penny was gone from my side but I could hear her clattering around somewhere in the house.


"You fell asleep. I've got food for you before we go."

"Before we go? What time is it?"

"Almost eleven. We have to leave in half an hour."

"Half an hour?" I cried, sitting up straight in bed. "Why didn't you wake me earlier? I didn't finish packing last night."

"Hey, whoa. Calm down. I finished it for you. I know you don't sleep well on planes so I figured I'd let you get some rest now."

"Oh. Okay. Thanks." I breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing a little as Jacob laughed at me.

"You're such a worry-wart." I pouted at him but took the bowl he offered me. It was filled with fruit and yoghurt. As I tucked in, Jacob sat beside me, just watching and occasionally kissing my cheek. "Just think; in a few short hours, we'll be in the City of Love."

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