Troye XXI

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As I'd predicted, both Penny and Jess were awake early on Monday morning, despite the fact that neither of them or me, for that matter, had school today. So, I found myself in the kitchen at 7.30, struggling to stay awake while I made pancakes for the two excited girls who were happily colouring in at the nearby table.

"Daddy, can you put chocolate in them, please?" Jess had begged, giving me her best puppy-dog eyes. I'd sighed and searched through the cupboard for the bag of choc-chips I knew was buried there.

"Alright," I said, more to myself than to them. I looked over at Penny who looked very focused on what she was doing. "Penny, do you want me to call your papa after breakfast? I'm sure he'll be happy to hear from you."

"Yes, please. Do I have to go home?"

"Only if your papa says so. He might still be busy. But we'll see." I swallowed harshly at the thought of what Connor could possibly be 'busy' doing. I knew I shouldn't feel jealous but I couldn't help that I was starting to get feelings for the green-eyed man.

"Okay. Cause me and Jess wanted to watch Sesame Street together."

"You can do that. Now, who's hungry?" I lifted the first batch of pancakes out of the pan and set them on the table. Jess and Penny cheered as they rushed over. "Shh, girls. Sam's still sleeping." I warned them, turning back to the stove.

"No, I'm not. Why is everyone up?" Sam appeared in the room, yawning.

"The girls got up and wanted pancakes. Do you want any?" I asked him but he shook his head.

"Nah. I'm not hungry right now. I might go for a run, okay?" In the past few weeks, he'd gotten it into his head to try out for the track team and was eagerly going out for runs nearly every day. I was both impressed and proud of him so I nodded my consent for him to go.

"Don't be too long. I'll need your help here soon."

"Alright. I'll just go around the block a couple times." He turned on the spot and I heard him jogging up the stairs to his room to get changed into appropriate running gear.


The rest of the morning passed smoothly and about eleven-thirty, I was sat in the study, going over some music when I saw Connor's car pull into the driveway. Jealousy began to creep up within me as I watched him and Jacob climb out. Jacob pressed Connor back against the car for a moment to kiss him and my heart ached at the fact that it wasn't me who had Connor's fingers exploring the muscles on my back. Finally, though, Connor pushed Jacob off, saying something that caused the taller man to grin and walk towards the house, pulling Connor along behind him. It was then that I realised I should start heading downstairs to answer the door when they knocked, which happened as I descended the stairs.

"Good morning. It's good to see you back, Jacob." I greeted them, opening the door. "How was Paris?"

"It was alright, I guess. I wish Connor had been there with me, though." He wrapped an arm around Connor's shoulders as he spoke, hugging him tightly.

"As I'm sure he wished he was with you." I agreed, swallowing down the jealousy that bubbled up at the way Connor was looking up at his husband. "Come on in, I'll get Penny."

I led them into the living room, making sure they were comfortable before going out to the backyard where Penny and Jess were playing in the tree house.

"Penny! Your papa's here. Come say 'hi' to him." I called and the little girl scrambled to climb down the ladder and run over. I followed her into the house, grinning when she stopped short in the doorway to the living room.

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