Connor XVI

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Waking up on the day after Valentine's Day, I felt Jacob's am tighten around me and he started pressing soft kisses to the back of my neck. I smiled a little and pretended I was still asleep for a moment. Until he suddenly bit down on the stretch of skin between my neck and my shoulder, causing me to gasp and cry out.

"Hey!" He was laughing when I rolled over to face him and I pouted.

"Well, you wouldn't acknowledge that you were awake. So I gave you a little push."

"Bully." I tried to scowl at him but I just ended up grinning. The bite hadn't hurt that much and it hadn't broken skin. And I couldn't stay mad at him for long. "We've got the whole day to ourselves."

"We do." He grinned at me. Last night, after Troye and his kids left, Jacob had dropped Penny off at my parent's house and they were going to drive her to school on Monday morning, meaning that unless something dramatic happened, Jacob and I had the whole day, and house, to ourselves. "Whatever will we do?"

"Hmm..." I pretended to think deeply. "I have one idea."

"Yeah? And what might that be?" As he spoke, I moved so that I was laying on top of him and his arms snaked around my waist to hold me tight.

"Something along the lines of this." I murmured, leaning down to kiss him. He responded eagerly and let me lead, his fingers dancing up and down my back. I pressed my hands to the bed on either side of his head, making sure he couldn't roll away from me. Not that I really needed to. He was quite happy to keep kissing me until we both had to pull apart for breath.

"I like that idea." He whispered, suddenly rolling both of us over so he was now on top. "I've got something for you."

"A present?" I made my eyes wide in mock surprise. He just snorted and leaned down to kiss me again, one hand slipping between us to tug at the hem of my shirt. I wriggled around a little to help him get it off, laughing when it got stuck by my shoulders.

"I love you, baby. I love you so much."

"I know. I love you just as much, Jay."

"I'm going to show you just how much."


Around lunch, we finally emerged from the bedroom, both a little flushed in the face and giggly. I stumbled over my own feet as he led me to the kitchen by my hand.

"Hey. I've got short legs here." I told him. He stopped suddenly and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"There. Now you can keep up." He replied through his laughter. I was laughing too, holding on tightly so I didn't fall. In the kitchen, he sat me on the counter, giving me another kiss before crossing the room and opening the refrigerator. I stayed where I was, just watching as he moved around the kitchen, making food for us. He occasionally came over to me, feeding me bits of chocolate or strawberry.

When he was finally done, I followed him to the dining room where we sat side-by-side, feeding each other like love-sick teenagers. But neither of us minded how ridiculous it might have looked to an outsider.

"Hey, I've got a surprise for you." Jacob told me when we were finished. I raised an eyebrow at him.


"Yep. Wait here for a minute." He kissed me briefly before disappearing out of the room for a minute. I started stacking the dishes together while I waited, jumping when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist from behind.

"You scared me."

"Sorry. Come here for a bit." Jacob pulled me to sit on his lap, handing me a large envelope.

"What's this?"

"Just open it." Holding me tightly, he watched as I tore open the envelope and tipped the contents into my hand. It took me a moment to figure out what I was looking at but when I did, I gasped.

"We're going to Paris?"


"Oh wow. I've always wanted to go there."

"I know. Technically it's a work trip but when my boss told me I had to go over, I figured it was a perfect chance for the three of us to get away for a bit."

"When are we going?"

"Next school break. I timed it so that both you and Penny would have time off."

"This is amazing. You're amazing." I grinned and threw my arms around his neck. He laughed and hugged me back.

"I hope you like it. Cause that's all I'm getting you today."

"That's all? Jay, that's so much. Almost too much."

"Too much? I can take it back if you want..."

"Don't you dare." I laughed. I put the papers on the nearby table and turned to straddle his lap, my arms looped around his neck. "I can't wait to go to the city of love with you."

"Me either." He smiled and gently rested his hand against my cheek. "I mean, there'll be a little bit of work I have to do while we're there but I'll definitely have time to spend with you."

"Penny's going to be so excited."

"When do we tell her?"

"When she gets back from school tomorrow, I guess. If we tell her now, she'll want to come home and start packing. And that will ruin the rest of our plans for the day."


"Mm." I nodded solemnly and stood up. "Follow me."


"Just follow me." I took his hand and led him back to our bedroom where I was quick to throw myself into his arms, eager to pick up where we'd left off before our food break. "You're the best husband I could ask for."

"So are you. I love you, Connor." He replied, catching on to my train of thought easily.

"I love you."

A/N: And so the next story arc begins. Who thinks they knows what will happen? Also if you have any thoughts on places Connor, Jacob and Penny can go while in Paris, leave a quick comment and I'll try to incorporate it. :)

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