Connor XIV

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The next few months seemed to drag by. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas passed in a blur and the New Year turned just as suddenly. I watched as Troye sank deeper into a slump, especially after he officially filed for a divorce in mid-January. Several times, he asked me to watch his kids as he went out for the night doing who knows what and coming home a completely different person.

"Connor?" I looked up from my marking when Jess spoke up. She and Sam were again crashing at our house and she had been playing with Penny last time I checked.

"Hey Jess. What's up?"

"Can I have apple juice?"

"Sure. Where's Penny?" I stood up and led her to the kitchen where Sam had made himself at home at the counter, his homework spread across the surface.

"Sorry Mr B." He scrambled to clear a space in amongst his notes.

"It's alright. Do you want apple juice too?" I smiled as Sam screwed up his nose. He hated apple juice.

"No thanks."

"Penny's watching TV. We were watching Sesame Street."

"Were?" I questioned, pouring the juice for both Jess and Penny, who I knew would also want some once she saw her friend had a glass.

"It changed to another show. I don't know what it's called though."

"Oh. Here you go. Make sure you don't spill any." I warned, watching as she carefully made her way back to the living room with two glasses full of apple juice. "Sam, do you know when your dad will be back today?"

"He said the date shouldn't last too long. It's just finalizing some things."

"Okay." I nodded. Troye had gone into court today to talk with his lawyer about finalizing the divorce and finish signing some papers. I guess it was sort of lucky the whole thing didn't drag along forever and turn into a huge custody battle. In the end, Joey had basically given Troye custody of the kids with monthly visits. He also left the house, claiming to be moving into an apartment closer to the hospital. 

"Will he be okay, Mr B?"

"I think so. He'll get through this."

"Good. I don't want to see him like this forever."

"You're a good boy, Sam. It's because of you that Troye will get through this time." As I spoke, the doorbell rang. Sam and I looked at each other before I crossed the house to open the door.

Troye was stood on the doorstep, tears pooling in his eyes and his shoulders shaking from the effort of keeping himself together. I bit my lip and held my arms open to him.

"Oh, Troye..." He fell into my arms, violent sobs erupting from him. Carefully, I guided him to the sofa where we sat together. I just let him get it all out, comforting him quietly. Jess came in after a while, looking upset that her dad was so distraught.

"Go sit with Sam." I whispered to her and she nodded, disappearing again. I'm not sure how long we sat there but I looked up when the front door swung open to reveal Jacob. He instantly saw Troye and the smile fell from his face.

"It's done?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm just comforting him." I replied. Jacob nodded and came to sit on the other side of Troye, a comforting hand on his back.

"You'll be okay, Troye." Sniffling, Troye lifted his head from my shoulder and looked between us.

"Th-thanks. I'll get there."

"Remember, we're here for you." I told him with a small smile. He nodded and wiped his eyes.

"I know." He sighed. "God, I never thought I'd have to do this."

"Nobody does. We all hope for the best when we get married. It's just the luck of the draw when this happens." Jacob assured him.

"Stupid luck." We all laughed a little at that before Troye sat up a little straighter. "Well, I should probably be getting home. I want to get started on some re-decorating as soon as possible. And that means throwing out that hideous table in the hallway."

"If you need help with moving things, give us a call, okay? Don't go hurting yourself to prove a point." I insisted.

"I will. Thanks for watching the kids this afternoon."

"Anytime." Sam and Jess appeared then, both clutching their bags, probably having heard that they were headed home.

"Hey guys."

"Are you okay, Daddy Troye?" Jess asked, coming over to him. 

"Yeah. I'll be okay. Let's go home, shall we?" Sam nodded and ten minutes later the small, broken family was heading off down the street.


"I feel so bad for him, Jay." I said as Jacob and I got ready for bed later that night.

"I know. But he's better off without him. You know that." Jacob replied, sitting on the bed and reaching out to pull me down beside him. I wrapped my arms around him sideways and pressed a kiss to his collarbone.

"We're never going to end up like that, right?"

"Never. I'm telling you right now, there's no guy on this planet that is more beautiful than you."

"You flatter me."


"What?" I looked up at his playful protest.

"You didn't assure me that you love me." He was pouting at me and I giggled as I leaned in to kiss him.

"I love you so much, Jay. There's nobody else I'd rather."

"Oh, good. For a second I thought I was replaceble."

"Never." I promised. I leaned my forehead against his, my eyes closed and my hand resting gently against his cheek. "I love you. So much, Jacob."

"I love you too, Connor." Using his finger under my chin, he lifted my head to look into my eyes for a moment before kissing me with a passion I hadn't seen since our wedding night. I responded just as passionately, moving to straddle his lap and weaving my fingers through his hair. He tightened his arms around my waist so there was barely any space between us as we continued to kiss, the motion getting sloppier and more careless the longer we kissed. Maybe it was just long awaited or maybe the fact that our friend had just finalized his divorce had something to do with it but we both just needed to be close and know that we loved each other. That we were okay.

A/N: So it's been a few days. I've just had so much on; exam re-sits, my parents flying home, new job and all that. Also, there's been a time jump here to keep the story moving but we've still got a long way to go. Hope you guys are enjoying it. :)

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