Back To School

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Brielle POV

"Sweetheart its time to get up" my stepmother Valerie says knocking on my door. 

"Im up already" I say rolling my eyes and hooking up my Bluetooth speaker to my Iphone 5s. I go onto my spotify and play my private playlist. I walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. "Hopefully this year will be different" i say to myself referring to the many schools ive been to. Another year, Another school. I shut my bathroom door and turn on the shower. I strip down and get into the warm shower. I wash my body and get out. I grab my white bath robe that i stole from a hotel from my NYC trip in 8th grade. I wrap my hair up in a towel and walk over to the sink. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth. Brushy brush brush. I finish brushing and i walk out of the bathroom going over to my small closet. I pull out a black and blue plaid flannel with a " I dont speak fluent sarcasm" shirt. I reach up to the top shelf and grab a pair of ripped blue jeans. I slip my clothes on and grab my worn out converse. I put those on and walk back into the bathroom. I blow dry my hair and quickly straighten it noticing what time it is. I grab a baby pink beanie and throw that on my head. I grab my leather backpack and run downstairs grabbing a granola bar for breakfast. I run out the door and jump on my skateboard. "HAVE A GOOD DAY AT SCHOOL" I hear Valerie say as I skate down the driveway eating. I stick up my middle finger and skate off to this so called high-school. I arrive and skate towards the entrance. Five boys stand in front of my blocking my way inside. I look up at them. I pick up my board and brush past them. A sudden yank pulls me back. "Where do you think you going little girl." a tall blonde says looking down at me. I guess he wasn't that tall, I mean im only 5'3. He laughs looking at my innocent face. I smirk and elbow his stomach. I grab my bag and my board and run to the office. I walk in catching my breath. I walk up to the front desk where a little 50 year old women sits reading harry potter. I smirk and she looks up. " Oh sorry hun, you must be the new student, Brielle Montoya right?" She says putting on her cat eyed reading glasses. I nod and she prints something off of her computer. She hands me what looks like a schedule and a locker number. Number 47. "Ill let the principal know you are here." she says getting up and walking over towards the brown door that says "Principal". She knocks and a tall black man walks out. I stand up and greet him. We talk about the school and calls a student up to give my a tour of the school. This will be interesting. A girl that looks around my age walks in and smiles at me. I smile and turn away. Perky. I cross my arms and wait for her to sit. She sits down and the principal explains what shes doing here. We walk out and walk to the hall. "Im Elizabeth Jones, but you can call me Beth if you want" she says holding out her hand. I nod and shake her hand. "Welcome to California high, and yes we are just like any other high school except we have major stereo types." I laugh and turn to her. "Let me guess, you fall in with the populars." i say looking around. She shakes her head. "No, see theres the typical jocks, the wannabe jocks, the populars, the prettys, the gamers, that mathletes, and the normys, im a normy" she says. "Yeh must be nice to actually no people around here." i say looking at her. "Well you know one person here" she says stopping in her place. I look back at her and she points at the locker. Number 47. I walk over and put in my combination. There is already books and everything in there. "Strange, where did the books come from??" i say looking at them. "Oh yeh your father called saying that you advanced in your classes thanks to all the schools you've been to. I look down and laugh. "How do you know all this about me" I say looking up and grabbing my books. "Its my job to know the students around here. Im Junior class president" She says as we continue to walk. "So what class do you have first." She says taking my schedule. "Oh wow you have all the same classes as me." Beth says handing it back. We walk to chemistry and take our seats for class.


Thats the first chapter, and yes i promise im going to actually finish this book this time.. 

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