III: Brads Invitation To the Family

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Brad was packing his tools up as Connor came back in and sat down.
"Brad you have a great way with people, especially ones that are scared. Plus you have respect for others. I know why you left the room...for our  sake and your own and I can appreciate that in a man. You also have qualities you may not even know about that Id like to discuss at a different time. But anyhow...how would you like a job out here, at least one week out of the month. I know there will be piercing and tat requests from Doms and Dommés . We can make this a "One Stop Shop" Training Facility. I would damn well make it worth it to you, even have your own quarters built unless you would rather stay here in the main house. What do you say?"
Brad couldnt believe what he was hearing. How could he pass this opportunity up. Connor was a good man just like his brother Garrett (rip). "You got yourself a deal Connor. Thank you for this opportunity." As they shook hands, "I will get construction on your own cabin started this week. You can come out anytime to stay, not just to work. I think it would be good for you...maybe bring out something that you have been pushing aside."
They sat and talked awhile longer then Connor remembered about the flyers he had printed.
"Can you do me a favor, maybe have these in your shop in town, need to get the word out about this place."
Brad took the flyers placing them in his bag saying he would be happy to. And in return handed Conner the printouts for Shivannas aftercare.
Connor called for Sebastian to take Brad back to the ferry. The entire trip back to the city all Brad could think about was how his life just change in the matter of an afternoon.
Shivanna slept for a few hours waking up with the urge to pee. On the pillow next to her was a note "Dont even think about getting up. Call me and I will be right there." Shivanna hugged the note to her chest...then quickly pulled her arms away after the rude reminder of her pierced nips. After calling her Master, Shivanna looked down at each nub. The hoops were so shiney and pretty, each had a gold feather hanging from them and she smiled.
Conner "jogged" into the room and carefully picked his girl up off the bed and into the restroom. As she sat and relieved herself she said,"You know I could have just wal.."
"Hush girl...you did this for me today...so I'm doing this for you."  As he was speaking he was filling a large cup up with warm water.."Dont wipe, lets just do it this way, open your legs up wider...mmm...damn that looks so nice. I cant wait for you to start enjoying it." Connor slowly poured the warm water over her swollen mound. Shivanna tensed at first but then felt how good the warmth felt. Connor carefully reached down and spread her lips letting the water fully wash over her.
When he was finished he grabbed a clean washrag and lifted his girl back up.
"Spread your legs and bend your knees...I need to get the antiseptic on it now." After softly patting her dry, making Shivanna wince a few times, Connor used a q tip and sprayed the antiseptic on it wiping all around the hoop and the punctured areas. While between her legs he giggled as he noticed the rubber string hoop laying outside her opening. He had completely forgotten about the egg. This made them both laugh as he slowly pulled the egg out. After giving the same attention to her nipples Connor layed beside his girl.
"Sir...what were you speaking of about my own space earlier?"
"Ahhh...Im glad you remember me saying that. You used the pain to take you to a "place" where you felt free...the adrenaline and endorphins pretty much took over. Did you enjoy it Lil One."
"Sir it was amazing of what I remember. It was as if I was walking up a large hill or mountain, the more Brad prepped my nipple the faster I ran and then right as he started to pierce the skin I jumped! I jumped off the top and just floated...I wasnt scared, I felt nothing from the rest of the piercing. It was perfect."
"Mmmm....I do like the sound of that...we are going to have to experiment with that more."
They layed there awhile longer then Shivanna whispered.."Daddy I'm really tired..." and then was asleep. Connor smiled as she has never referred to him as Daddy, not that he minded but just wondered why.
When Connor woke up it was dark outside, the clocked showed it was 437am. At some point Shivanna turned so that her back was against her Master. Her body fit perfect into his...too perfect and the reason of his wakening was pressed up against crevice of her backside. Connor reached to the nightstand grabbing a bottle. After pouring the liquid in his hand and easily gliding it over his thickened shaft he used the excess and gingerly slid his fingers between her cheeks, massaged the tight entrance and then inside. Shivanna moved her top leg forward in her sleep, her body knowing what was going on as her mind continued to sleep. Connor then rubbed the glistening tip over the rose and gently began to nudge himself inside. The further he pushed the deeper Shivannas breath got. It wasnt until he was completely seated inside of her that her eyes fluttered open. She instinctivly push back against him and brought her right hand back to her ass, using it to spread the cheek for her Sir. Connor had his hand on her hip moving slowly within her, her own movement matching his. Her clit twanged with pain with each stroke but it made it all more worthwhile.
"Cum with me lil girl..."
Thats all it took for both of them to release. It wasnt an orgasm of uncontolled movements but the release was the same or even better. No more words were spoken as they stayed connected and fell back to sleep.

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