Letter #22: Epilogue

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Perhaps I got lucky in the end. With hindsight. Months. Years of hindsight. I suppose it was a good thing that I wasn't there to see who you become, because honestly, you don't seem like someone that I would be proud of anymore. It was just high school, anyway, right? And there are only two people in the entire world that could tell this story, even though it would be from two completely different point of views.

But this Michael isn't one that I would even want to interact with. Fuck this Michael. This is the Michael that I would avoid in the grocery store and hide from behind a mug of Starbucks coffee.  I feel like you went backwards. And I feel like you would never want to hear what I had to say about it. And of all the things that I have poured into these senseless letters, I hope that this is the bit that you read someday.

Because the Michael that you are not is not the Michael that I could've loved. And maybe to you, that's a good thing. And maybe there is someone else out there who can. But I don't know that the rest of the Universe would agree.

I've never met a Michael that has made me proud to love a Michael. And maybe I never will. Maybe Shakespeare was wrong about their being nothing to a name, but nothing about you is sweet enough anymore. If you're going to take anything out of this to chew on, it should be that.

And maybe you could say I'm just angry, but I hope that you realize after reading this entire collection of words that I never wanted you to see, that it's a lot more than that. I hope this isn't the end, because I don't want you to be this person forever. It's just the end of expressing my feelings about it. I want you to make friends with people you could've never imagined and I want you to drive through countless cities with someone you love, because that's what life should be. It's the life I would've wanted for you. And even though we haven't talked in years. I still want you to be the person that you deserve to be, even though I won't be the one to get you to there.

But God, I hope that someone does.

Author's Note:

So this bit is finally the end. I guess I had a lot of time to think about these things, and I am finally happy with this and with life. And if things had gone any differently, I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. So this is a homage to that. To things happening exactly the way that they should have. And to close this bit of creative liberty with an ending that doesn't leave holes or tangles. Because sometimes that's the way life is, right? It needed something to make an impact. Something that mattered. So thanks for sticking through to the end guys!


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