My Book I Tods Forgot

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Nowadays, I've been so busy editing my first book that I forgot about my second one. I'll start working on it soon, but if I'm planning on putting it on hold, I'll tell you guys, 'kay? 

So, the thing is, I'm working on getting my first book published, so I currently have a lot of editing to do. Both in the draft I will send to the publisher and the WP book. But I'm also planning on leaving the WP one the way it is so that I'll get more market because why buy the book when I can read it here for free? See what I mean?

Anyway, to make up for the inconvenience I have caused, here is a video of the best song I have ever heard in 2017 according to me.  ;)

Anyway, I have a Tumblr account for my WP affairs and private stuff. Follow me @herunknownpanda on Tumblr for updates on my stories and news of my activity.

So that is all. Oh, I'm planning on opening a book club, but idk how I'm going to do this, as my activity is very, veeeery low. 

Bye bye now, and have a good day/night!

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