I'm Back, People!

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So I've been in school for three good months straight, and now I'm home! For only two weeks though. So sad. I know. But at least I'm home, so why waste time? 

Oh God. Boarding school is the most stressful thing you can think of, especially when you're in Form One. It's basically like Form Ones are the servants of the school. We do everything: set up for entertainment, water our house lawn, go into the bushes to collect palm fronds for lawn decoration (that was a scary day indeed. And to think, people want to pass there to run away!), clear the table, wash the kitchen pans, work at the most disgusting places in the school, and the like. It's tiring and very annoying, but nevertheless create very memorable (couldn't find a better adjective) memories. 

Enough ranting about school. I'm home now, and that's all that matters.

 OK, I give up. I have nothing more to say. So bye for now. This might be all that you'd hear from me these two weeks. 


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