That Moment When

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You pull an all-nighter binge watching anime till 9am.

You enter the wrong classroom and everyone is just looking at you like.....

You raise up your hand to answer a question so enthusiastically but then your answer is wrong.

You're talking to someone and you say something so awkward and you just stare at each other like......

Everyone around you is talking about something you don't know or care about so you just sit in silence.

Your siblings just enter your room for no apparent reason and they have the audacity to *gasp* STAY IN YOUR ROOM!

Your parents keep on sending you on errands and WON'T LET YOU REST!

You're doing something productive like cleaning and your mom calls you just to tell you to do exactly what you're already doing. At that moment you just lose the vibe.

You're so into a book that you stay up all night reading it.

You find something so funny in a book you're reading but you have to suppress your laugh because it's 2am.

Your friends cancel on you last minute and you have to pretend you're sad when your inner self is dancing in glee.

Somebody dog ears your book.

Your mom comes into your room, looks around and goes out. Without closing the door.

Everything that's happening to you is "because of that damn phone."

You procrastinate so much that all your assignments pile up and they're all due the next day.

You do well in a test you didn't study for.

Someone asks to borrow your charger but you're using it, and then they ask what percentage it's on. 

Only one side of your earphones work.

You can't watch your movie in peace because your parents insist on calling you every second.

You accidentally reject your parent's call.

You're on a call and your mom calls you. "Sweetie! Please come get the remote for me!"

Your report card comes in.

You get into an argument with your mom so you storm into your room and bang your door in anger. You're dead.

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