I Need To Get This Out of My System

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2020 has brought a lot to us in just its first quarter. The very second day of the year presented to us the possibility of a WWIII, and shortly after that ended, COVID-19 spread all over the globe and has put the whole world on hold. It's amazing, to be very honest. It's just so mindblowing. The whole world is going through the same thing I'm going through right now. Never thought that would ever happen. And now look! I'm back here, active once again, but I still haven't written finals! I have no idea when I'll be going to university. Isn't it wonderful? -_- 

But that's not what I want to address. The whole world is talking about corona virus. There's no need for me to add my voice. Although, I am hearing that the whole pandemic is a cover up, and that the real situation is the mad radiation from the newly implemented 5G... doesn't matter. 

It's kinda sad though, nothing has actually changed for me. This quarantine thing is my daily lifestyle, to be honest. Ah well. Same old boring life, I guess.

Now I'm saying hi to all my old Wattpad friends:







I can't remember everyone. I'm so so sorry >.< my bad. I wonder if everyone will even see this. Ah well. But before I move on, who knows where Umeike is? Did she leave Wattpad? I'm sad now.

So the reason I didn't come earlier is because anytime I download it onto my phone, I just get annoyed when I see the home page recommending books by paid authors to me as if I have any money. What annoyed me even more is the Go Premium button I see at the top left hand corner of my screen all the time. But I guess I'm being selfish. Authors do need to get paid for their work. If I can't pay for it, I might as well just buzz off. 

But is it just me or this whole thing about subscriptions and coins has just sucked the magic out of Wattpad? Wattpad used to be that place where I never had to worry about my empty pocket. All I had to do was to drown myself in a good book. Now I'm being restricted. But nah. That's how life is like. Every experience is an opportunity to learn. What have I learned? I've learned that without money, you're always restricted. I guess I'm just unfortunate then. 

Anyway, how's the quarantine going? Hope everyone is chill. It's inevitably boring, but we'll survive.

Also, I'll be taking Core Soul down for a few days for processing. I've discovered some discord that I hitherto had no time or energy to notice. And I feel like if I don't take care, I might abandon The Dark Chronicles entirely. I'm just not feeling it anymore. I have no idea why.

I doubt anyone will read this. Ah well. Good day to everyone and bye now. Until later, yeah?

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