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Heyo ma peeps! So I just published the latest chapter in my latest book! Whoop whoop! I feel so accomplished. Lol. Anyway I just wanted to tell you that I'm still working on that new book of mine that I've been talking about. Rumour has it that the first chapter might be published next month. Hope you're excited because I'm excited! I can't wait for you all to read it. It's loads better than my vampire book imo but you guys will be the judges of that. But I am thinking of changing its cover to something more eye-catching. I feel like what I have is too plain and doesn't portray anything about the story itself. Here's a look-see if you've forgotten what it looks like:

 Here's a look-see if you've forgotten what it looks like:

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Not the best, is it?

Anyway, here's the blurb too if you've forgotten what it's about:

Suddenly I woke up. I found myself in a hospital. I couldn't remember who I was, or where I had come from. All I knew at that moment were the white walls surrounding me at this moment. I found a person sleeping on my bed. Who was she? What did she want with me? I couldn't tell, and I began to get drowsy. The last thing I remember before everything went black was the girl waking up and screaming for the nurse.

Lucy is a 22-year-old human, or so she thinks. What she doesn't know is that she's from another dimension, and is one of the rarest kinds of creatures: The Core Souls. The most powerful race ever to be found on the face of all the dimensions combined. Why? Because they are angels in disguise.

Yeah, so that's it. 

Almost forgot. I'm starting a new book! It's called Queen, and I think it's awesome af. It actually just started as an impromptu thing when I was bored, but then I read what I'd written and I thought, why not develop this? This is good stuff. So, as usual, here's the cover and the blurb, in that order:

 So, as usual, here's the cover and the blurb, in that order:

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I am Princess Erieanna of Xenia, and I am the second born. Our kingdom has faced countless trials since the dawn of time, but right now we're in a state of peace. We were able to conquer the other kingdoms around us and bring them under our rule. But it cost someone very important to the kingdom: the world's greatest wizard, Merlin. But there is a prophecy. A new wizard will rise up and take the place of Merlin, and will surpass him in power and wisdom. At least, those are the rumours I've heard.

But I don't care. None of this has to do with me. What I'm concerned about right now is to escape ever having to be queen. My family doesn't like to play by the rules of 'eldest inherits the throne'. I don't even want there to be the slimmest chance of me ever being queen. I hate how restricted life is in the castle. I hate the life of royalty. I hate having to keep my little finger up. And having to drink tea in the first place. I wish I was free. Today, I am free.

Isn't the cover just on point? XD I love it! I know the blurb needs some work though. Please bear with me, okay? I've never been good at blurbs. Or titles. Sigh. Ah well.

So that's all I've got for now. I promise to try and update my book as frequently as possible, and I'll also try and release Core Soul by Valentine's Day. Consider it my valentine to you all.

Love you guys! Stay with me, okay? I guarantee interesting stuff 24/7. 

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