So I've Been Thinking...

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Hi everyone! It's me again, the afk author who hasn't touched any of her stories in a loooonnnnggg while...phew. I sincerely do apologise for that and I hope you all forgive me for my insolence :(

Yeah, so I've been thinking about deleting The Dark Chronicles from Wattpad. I just don't feel it anymore. I never really liked the story, to be honest. I started writing it when I was 10 and finished it when I was 12. I wanted to make it a trilogy at first, but then I grew older and didn't like it anymore. It made me cringe anytime I read over it. I can't even bring myself to work on the second book in the trilogy. I really feel I should delete the whole story, but honestly I don't know, because my dad published the first one (he self-published) since he wants it to blow up.

But I've lost interest. I don't want to write it anymore. Should I delete it? 

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