September 20

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So, there's something really important about this date.

What is it?

Try and guess.

If you guessed school, then you're right on the money, because that is when I am going back to school. Ugh, annoying right? Right. But, it is a big chapter in my life because I am headed for secondary education! I have finished my primary one, so on to secondary school for me!

Anyway, whether it's primary or secondary, it's still school, so I'm not gonna really like it, if you get my drift. So, because of that, all my stories will be put on hold until further notice.

Yes, yes, this is annoying, you do this all the time, I'm gonna stop reading your books, blah blah blah. Well, it's not my fault. I'm going to a boarding school, and there are no devices allowed, naturally. So I won't be able to go to Wattpad at all until I vacate.

So I'm really sorry, and I hope you can forgive me. I'm still working on that upcoming story, but the prologue will be released after school.

So goodbye, my friends and readers!

For now.

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