Upcoming Story

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Dear readers, I am more than excited to reveal my newest story: Core Soul!

This story has not been published yet, because I want to finish at least ten chapters before I start publishing, so that the pressure of updating will not be too high

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This story has not been published yet, because I want to finish at least ten chapters before I start publishing, so that the pressure of updating will not be too high.

Due to this, I am planning on putting the second book in my trilogy on hold.

I'm putting it on hold because I have no idea what to write for it

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I'm putting it on hold because I have no idea what to write for it. I guess you could say I have writer's block in a way. 

However, for Core Soul, my mind is practically overflowing with ideas! Usually, when I write a book, I get so many ideas that I get caught up and leave too many questions unanswered. 

Also, the idea for Core Soul is based on a dream I had last year. If the details are spilled, it'll spoil the story, because the story line is based on that dream. Anyway, so even if the title doesn't make sense, I'm not changing it for all the money in the world. 

So that's all for now. Have a blessed day/night!

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